Chapter 4

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"You ready?" Liam asked and I nodded as I followed him out to the car. We hopped inside and headed back to the pack house.

The pack house was about 10 minutes away from my house. I watched out the window as we passed by the woods that lead to the pack house. I didn't realize how late it had gotten until I looked up and seen the moon was out.

I turned back and glanced at Liam before I reached forward and turned on the radio. The once quite car was now filled with a variety of pop music.

"Really?" Liam said and I smiled and he just shook his head and chuckled to himself. I hummed along to the radio as 'I See Fire' by Ed Sherran played.

"Have you ever seen that movie before?" Liam asked and I gave him a curious look. "umm... which movie?" I asked and I seem him in the corner of my eye shake his head. "The Hobbit? Seriously it's a great movie." he told me and I laughed.

"Maybe I will go watch it sometime." I answered as the song quit playing and another song played. "Or maybe I can take you to see it now?" he offered.

I looked at the clock on the console center and smiled "Why not its only 6:30 what theatre is open though?" I asked and he shrugged "Not sure lets find out."

He turned around and headed back into town. About 15 minutes later we pulled into the movie theatre. "ill get the tickets." Liam said and I nodded. we walked up to the ticket booth and Liam bought us two tickets for the 7:15 movie show of 'The Hobbit'.

"$6.50 is your change sir. Enjoy the movie and have a good night." the guy behind the glass said. I nodded and we headed inside to find theatre 6.

I laughed as we took 3 wrong turns and was just on time to catch the beginning of the movie. "You suck with directions man." I whispered as we took our seats towards the back of the theatre.

"Be quiet and watch the movie. It's starting." Liam whispered in my ear and I hit his arm softly but listened as we turned to watch the movie.

•*•*•3 HOURS LATER•*•*•

"Your telling me I sat through that 3 hour long movie just for it to end like... LIKE THAT!!" I complained to Liam. He just laughed at me and placed an arm around my shoulder.

As we walked to the car we just joked around and laughed. Enjoying each others company. We reached his car and got in as he unlocked it.

"Where to next?" Liam asked as he cranked the car and pulled out of the mall parking lot. "Umm wherever it doesn't matter to me." I said as we passed the town.

"Are you up for a walk in the park?" Liam asked and I just shrugged "Why not?" he smiled and took us to the park right down the road from my house.

"I want to be home before midnight though." I said putting my foot down. he nodded as we got out and headed to the sidewalk where we followed into the woods.

The moon lit our pathway just enough for us to see where we were going and each other. Walking in silence as the sound of nature surrounded us Liam grabbed my hand and held it.

I jumped by the sudden movement but allowed it to happen. As I loved the feel of his hand in my hand. He lead me down the pathway and I seen a slight smile on his face.

"What are you so happy about Mr.?" I said quietly. "You. I'm smiling about you. Does that even make sense?" he asked and I giggled.

"No but i'll take it anyways." I answered back and he squeezed my hand slightly. I gasped as the tingles shot through my arm and down my back.

"Look we need to talk. About... About us." I said as I pulled him to a stop by his hand. ""What about us? We are mates and I'm not letting you go anywhere."

"I'm not leaving my pack. My men and women need me to lead them. I'm not taking them with me if I came to your pack. Then my pack will be weak and defenseless." I explained.

He sighed "We can talk about this later. Lets get you home." he said pulling me along with him back to his car. I climbed inside of his car and was instantly surrounded by his sweet scent. I will never get tired of his enticing sweet smell.

"Hmmm." I sighed in contentment. "Happy?" Liam asked as he climbed in and was staring at me. "Yeah. You can say that." I answered and he just chuckled.

We were home in no time and I seen a female in the window watching us.

I was to tired and to full to care about the female. I got out and headed to the front door "well thanks for dinner, the movie and a walk in the park. I had fun." I said.

He chuckled "Thanks for the date. definitely gonna do that again" he said and I felt his breath on my neck and the warmth of his body against my back.

"Hmm. we will see about another date" and I yawned "but right now I'm tired. goodnight." I said and I felt him kiss my cheek. I leaned into his kiss and loved the feel of his lips on me.

That is until I heard a low grade growl and smelled an unfamiliar scent. My wolf perked up and I searched for the wolf. Is it a rouge? I wondered no it couldn't be and then the scent hit me again.

It's another female. She smells like...... Liam? My wolf said with a vicious growl.

I searched harder when I heard the door open and seen a decent looking female. she had the ordinary blonde hair, slim body, big breast, blue eyes and pink lips all the guys fell for.

Her eyes though, they held anger? jealousy? "Who the hell are you?" she snapped and I raised an eyebrow "I think you should be the one to answer that first before I rip your head off your body."

I said in a low serious voice and I heard Liam growl lowly and it sounded lustful. I held in my smirk and focused on the female.

"I'm Liam's Luna." she said blankly and it was then that I noticed her scent was mixed with Liam's and her neck... it held his... his mark?






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