Chapter 2

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Lia's POV

Today I have school so I decided to text Cameron.

Me- hey 🙃
Cam- hi😊
Me- Guess what we have to do in gym
Cam-ugh what?
Me- you'll just have to wait and see😏
Cam- don't do that to me!
Me- too bad, I just did😂
Cam- go get dressed
Me- umm stalker..
Cam- yeah, Lia, I stalk u and look through ur window to see what ur doing🙄
Me- I bet u do😉
Cam- why the wink?
Me- cause it makes me sound sexy when I type😏
Cam- 😩
Me- r u having sex with a girl?
Cam- at 7 in the morning?
Me- yup😳
Cam- yeah, I'm pretending to fuck Ariana Grande through the magazine cover😑
Cam- wtf😂😂
Me- u love me tho
Cam- of course I do, best friend
Me- mmk yeah
Cam-I can fuck any girl I want
Me- how?
Cam- I'm hot and every girl likes me
Me- how could u be so sure about that?
Cam- umm
Me- exactly
Cam- shut up! It's tru tho
Me- I don't like u.. 😐
Cam- ok
Me- 😂😂😂
Cam- I gtg
Me- same
Cam- I'll see u in language arts bye
Me- peace 💙
When your best friend, friend zones you and then you tell them that you don't like them...

At school..

"Today we will all be learning about sex education." Mr. Stanley tells the entire gym class. Cam turns to me and chuckles. "I told you to wait and see." I smirk. "Help me." He giggles. Mr. Stanley rambles on and on about sex education until he passes a bucket of condoms around to the entire class. "Take some condoms, boys and girls. You all might need these in case you experience sex with the opposite gender. These prevent pregnancy." He explains to us. "Girls will take a pregnancy test too! The females will get a free box of them just in case." Mr. Stanley passes the tests out. "Lia, holy shit you're pregnant." Cam blurts out. "Shut the fuck up!" I smack his head. "Who's the daddy?" He jokes. "You." I joke back and he blushes.

"Did you ever have sex with Lexi?" I ask out of the blue. "Nope." His mood changes. "Is something wrong?" I raise and eyebrow. "Nevermind." He turns away. "Alrighty then." I wait for the tests to be passed to me. "How many times did you have sex with Tyler?" Asks Cam referring to my ex boyfriend. "I've never had sex before.." I trail off. "Oh." He looks down at his lap. "Everything is alright, right?" I ask concerned. "Don't worry about me, I'm great." He smiles and puts his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder until I get the magical test.

"I won't take it." I refuse. "Lia, you have to." Mr. Stanley orders. "I've never had sex before so there is no need to." I reply. "I suppose.. I thought you and Tyler had sex at least once or twice." He admits. "Heck no! I wouldn't waste my virginity on a cheater like him." I blurt out. "You're a smart girl, Lia. I'm very proud of you for not wasting your virginity at a young age of 17." He praises me. "Thank you, Mr. Stanley. I won't disappoint you." I smile brightly. "You never have and you never will." He promises and walks away.

"You're such a bad girl." Cam pokes me. "Says the guy who has fucked 20 girls." I chuckle. "Stop." He scoots away from. "Cam.." I say sweetly and calmly. "What?" He snaps. "I'm sorry.." I apologize. "Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Why are you acting like that?" I ask. "Why do you care?" "Because whenever I bring up that topic, you get pissed off." I roll my eyes. "What makes you think I've had sex before?" He curiously wonders. "You're Mr.Perfect." I shuffle my feet. "Well I'm a virgin." He looks straight into my eyes. "Why was that so hard to tell me." I giggle. "It's embarrassing, Lia." His face flushes. "It's really not.. I told you that I was one, but you were too afraid to tell me? I thought our friendship was based on trust!" I exclaim kind of upset. "I'm sorry, bae! Don't be mad." He pouts and I smile. "Stop that!" I say in a baby voice. "It's cute, right?" He giggles. "Of course!" I laugh before the bell rings. "My house for dinner tonight." Cam demands. "When am I not there for dinner?" I shove him. "Good point." He wraps his arm around me and we walk to Science.

Author's Note
Best friend goals right there y'all!😂😂😂

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