Brother and Sister

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Me and my brother are great warriors of the Gom gum's the son and daughter of Gunmar. We escaped the dark lands to free our father and run terror in the human world; being the twin sister of Bular. Of course looking exactly like Bular but female-like, thinner no horns, and long black hair I put in a ponytail to keep out of my face. We are the perfect fighting partners killing troll hunters to avenge our father and free him from the dark lands.

Wearing a black dress to cover myself but over my chest is a skull-like my brother wearing skulls from his falling enemies of humans. We have the same type of blades, but mine are skinnier and longer than his with the leather straps resting over my chest holding the heavy blades. 

"Sister!" Bular's voice boomed through the sewers. Once I heard his voice I ran off in the sewers to find him to listen to the news he brings with him of his battle with the troll hunter.

I found Bular in the center of the sewers. Skidding to a stop in front of him with his muscular body dwarfing mine. "Yes, brother?" I question. 

"I have defeated the troll hunter!" he announced proudly. "Now we can free our father and the rest of the Gumm Gumm armies!" I say with a wide grin. 

"indeed Ladar," he smiled. His 2 bottom fangs were exposed.

We turned around to walk back to the place we rest for the day because of what happens to us if we are exposed to sunlight. We would turn to stone and break into pebbles and dust. I was told it was a painful death or excruciating wound from previous trolls getting burned. We continued down the sewers as we could hear the human automobiles known as 'cars' above us from the manhole covers we would pass under with little sunlight shining through to not affect us.

We took a sharp left and we laid our eyes on where we stayed for the day. It was one giant circular room. You would have to jump to reach the top of the room, with pipes everywhere around us but enough room to stay. Bular's and mine bed was on the floor sitting up. With our weapons, we sharpen them with our forearms Because our skin is made of stone but we still bleed like humans and can be cut like normal skin too if with the proper sword. 

"It's getting dark soon brother...the impure wants to meet under the bridge where you killed the troll hunter," I mention to Bular as I glance outside at the sunset at a distance, so I don't get burned. 

"What did he say?" Bular asked beginning to sharpen his blades along his arm.

"He said he saw a human boy have the amulet with him at his school and wants us to go look" I answer.

"He could have seen things but he thinks he is the boss." Bular growls under his breath.

 "don't let Stricklander get under your skin, Bular..." 

"he won't...and once Father is free I will kill him and drink his blood with his skull." he chuckled.

I chuckled too at his behavior, but I act the same for being his twin. watching the beautiful colors of pink orange and yellow change as the sun went down was a beautiful sight. even being evil you can still see beauty in some things. of course, me and Bular find the most beauty in killing and eating humans.

Twins of Darkness (TrollHunters 2016 FanFic)✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt