Chapter 27: And Then It Was Laf

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Alex's POV

After several days, I decided that my bleak view of things had improved. I owed Eliza big time; I resolved to talk to her more often. I was talking to John again, and even though it wasn't tense it was still reasonably awkward. I wondered if his reason was the same as mine.

We now, however, had bigger problems: our own Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette. Exactly one day ago, he received a small package from France. He wouldn't tell us who it was from, but when we asked, he had blushed. He seemed quite eager to read it, however nervous as well.

The blush, however, had faded as soon as he read the letter that came with the package that he didn't bother to open, at least not in the presence of his roommates. Then he left the dorm. He came back an hour or two later, and said everything was fine, but he didn't seem so.

He even kept the truth from Hercules, which surprised me; those two were so close. Lafayette had hidden the letter and the box behind his pillow in the corner of his bed, which I didn't understand.

Why keep something around that upsets you?

Anyway, that's where I was now. Climbing up Laf's bed, convincing John that this had to be done. He however, disagreed profoundly. It's private," he hissed from behind me.

Hercules was with him, but he didn't try and stop me. I figured that he was silently hoping we would find out what was upsetting our honorary French fry. "Dang," I muttered when I reached the top and was now perched comfortably in his layer of silk sheets, "How pretentious..."

John snorted in laughter below me, and I turned. He was covering his mouth in his own surprise. "Aww," I said quietly, and his face tinted red.

To keep mine from doing the same, blasted hormones, I reminded myself of the task at hand. "How does it smell so good up here?" I asked upon smelling the scent, "Is that his cologne?"

"Eternity Aqua," Hercules sighed.

Me and John both turned to look at him. "What?" He asked, shrugging nonchalantly, "I've borrowed it! Butt out."

I shook it off. "Focus!" John told me, "Who knows when Laf'll be back."

"Alright, alright!" I exclaimed, moving on my knees to grab at the paper and package that were rubber banded to one another under his pillow.

After I climbed down the ladder one-handed, Hercules grabbed the letter from my hand almost instantly. "It's in French!" He complained upon unfolding it, and then the two of them looked back up at me.

I smiled nervously as the letter was thrust at me. I skimmed it over before making my first evaluation. "It's from a girl," I stated.

"How do you know?" John and Herc asked in unison, "Does it say?" Finished Hercules.

I shrugged. "All of the i's are dotted with hearts."

Hercules made a retching sound. "Girls," he complained, rolling his eyes, and then turned to me, "Read it already!"

I looked down at the letter again. It wasn't long, maybe half a page; it was written in a newer dialect of French, so I would have to do my best.

"My dearest Lafayette," I began, "I received the letter you sent me two weeks ago, and I've spent days deciding how I should respond. After a bit of thought I've decided..."

"What is it?" John asked urgently.

"You think I'm pausing for dramatic affect?" I asked, annoyed, "It's hard to understand, this isn't formal French."

"Oh," I continued, eventually piecing the words together, "I've decided... I've decided that we can't be together anymore."

"What?" John and Hercules chimed together, dumbstruck.

"We can't be together anymore?" I repeated.

"I didn't even know Lafayette had a girlfriend," Hercules said quietly.

"You've been in America for three years now," I continued reading, "I didn't think you would change so much. Pansexual? I had to look that up in a... I shouldn't say that out loud.... dictionary just to know what such American slang meant. I don't understand you anymore; I know you care for me but... I don't think that's enough. If you want to be with me... change. Desole and Adieu; from Adrienne de Noailles."

It was silent for a moment, Laurens and Hercules standing beside me with their mouths both hanging slightly open. "I wonder how long they were together," I asked myself.

"Almost two years."

(Short chapter, sorry next one will be longer)

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