Chapter 12: The Club

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Still John's POV

"We're here," I was relieved to say when I stopped the two of us in front of an open doorway, the small plaque beside it reading 160.

"New guys first," I ushered him through the door jokingly, and he stepped in before me into the classroom.

"Wow," even I said as we entered the bustling classroom.

"What is it?" He asked me, and I shrugged.

"Look at all these people," I replied briefly, looking around.

It was true, we had almost a dozen more people than last year; there must have been twenty people in the room, talking, wandering about the classroom. "Let's find seats," Alex whispered to me, and I smiled fondly at his enthusiasm.

Alex led me to a pair of seats: directly in the front. I glanced at him nervously. "What is it?" He smiled crookedly, and I couldn't help but smile subtly.

"I'm not used to sitting so far in the front," I mumbled, slumping down in my chair a bit.

It was then when the real excitement began.

"Faire place au prince!" A cheerful, french voice rang throughout the room, but attracting the attention of only a few; most of the club veterans were used to this by now.

It was Laf, Hercules following behind him. "Vous n'êtes pas le prince, vous êtes le roi" Alex called out in reply suddenly, and as Lafayette and Hercules plopped down in the seats to Alex's left.

"Je suis content que tu sois venu, mon ami," Lafayette said to Alex, and even though I was leaning forward to listen intently, I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

I should learn French, I thought to myself devilishly.

"Comment etait votre premier jour?" Laf asked him, and Alex smiled again.

"Interessant mais bon, merci," he replied, and I felt the need to intervene.

"English! People!" I begged, "Come on!"

"Desole," they responded together, and I rolled my eyes.

"They're here," Hercules hissed, interrupting the three of us, and Alex turned to see what he was talking about, although Laf and I already knew.

"Thomas?" Alexander said under his breath as the boy walked in, swinging his book bag, followed closely by Madison and Burr, the ladder reading a book and walking at the same time.

Madison had to put out an arm to stop him from hitting the door frame. Alex's jaw dropped, and I looked at him curiously as he watched the other three take their seats directly across from us in the inner circle. When Thomas finally took his attention from his backpack, his gaze found us, or more specifically, Alex, and his jaw dropped.

"What..." he trailed off until he noticed the three of us sitting around him.

"Hey Thomas," Alex replied casually as I began to look from Jefferson to Alex and back again.

"Looks like you've found your way to debate club," Jefferson said, looking at Alex but then turning to narrow his eyes noticeably at me, "it also seems-"

He was cut off when the classroom door opened again.

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