Chapter 21: The Bathroom

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(Merry Christmas guys🎄! I hope you all have a great holiday, and if you don't celebrate Christmas, have a great break and a happy New Year! I love you all, and thanks for reading!
- Daryn 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸 )

John's POV
When I got the the bathroom, I held onto the door handle for a second, wondering why exactly I was here, before whipping the door open and running inside.

I grabbed at the sink handle, and began to run the water, only to stare at it like Draco in the sixth movie. "You can do this, Laurens," I told myself out loud, staring at my reflection, but all he did was look back with that same scared expression on his face.

"But if you don't go back now they'll have to start without you," I continued to myself.

"Hamilton would be better off," A snide voice came from the back corner.

I didn't have to turn around to recognize the voice. I only continued to stare into the mirror, but I could see his own reflection standing two or three yards behind me.

Jefferson. "What are you doing in here, Thomas; won't your boyfriend miss you?" I joked halfheartedly.

He scoffed. "I'm making sure you don't go back," he said, taking a step forward.

"Back where? To kick your ass in the debate club? Are you scared, Thomas?" I asked, trying to muster up any possible courage, but I was running out.

He could tell, and he smirked. "I'm not the one who should be afraid," he said threateningly, "And I suggest that you go back to your dorm."

"I-I wont disappoint Alex," I told both him and myself, "I'm going back. Now move."

I tried to force him away from the doorway, but he only grabbed my wrist and pushed me back toward the counter. "Alex?" He mumbled to himself, taking another step forward and forcing me to look into his eyes; then it seemed like he read something in my eyes, and he smirked again.

"Well would you look at that," he sneered, "Our king gay has fallen for the gay sympathizer, has he? I think Hamilton would be very interested in hearing that."

I stayed silent, staring at him and trying to keep my expression indignant. "Gay sympathizer?" I repeated dubiously, "Is that why you kicked him out of your dorm? After only a few hours, must be some kind of reco-"

At this he cut me off by putting his forearm up against my neck, putting substantial pressure on my collarbone, and pushed me farther up against the bathroom counter. "I didn't kick him out!" He exclaimed, "I didn't even want him to leave, but he did. There's nothing I can do about that, but there's a lot I can do about you. So just shut up and stay out of my way, Laurens."

As I stared into his eyes, the look in them seemed to change as he spoke. They went from anger to fear, but he didn't show it in his actions. He didn't remove his arm from against my throat, and it didn't seem like he was about to; at least until a third party entered the bathroom.

"Take. Your. Hands. Off of him, Jefferson," a voice said from the doorway.

Jefferson was standing in front of me still and I couldn't see who had spoken, but I knew all the same. "Get out of here, Alex," I tried to say, but it came out as more of a whisper, "I can handle this."

Jefferson, however, had dropped his arm and spun around at the sound of Alex's voice.

"Alex you should-" I began.

"Please go back," Alex said, his voice so soft and forced it made me nervous.

"Alex, I can handle myself."

"Please, John. I don't want want to see you hurt," he continued, his own pain apparent in his wavering voice.

"I'm not gonna run away this ti-"

"Get out, Laurens!" Alex exclaimed forcefully, and I paused in shock before immediately pushing my way past Jefferson.

Alex seemed intent to ignore me until I did what he asked. As I passed him on my way out, I only caught one glance at the look in his eyes.

They held fear, too.

(A/N: I know this chapter is short and bad, guys, and I'm sorry, but I can't write angst. If it's any consolation, the next chapter is gonna be much longer, and angsty af haha
- Hanna 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸 )

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