Chapter 26: John's Talk

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Still Eliza's POV

He sighed, narrowing his eyes slightly, apparently realizing what I was trying to do. "Alright," he started, "Whenever John tries to talk to me, I can't seem to find the right words to say. I end up avoiding him completely, which I know makes things worse because all he does is become more and more distant; when I sit beside him, every time we make contact it's like an electric shock to myself but he never notices which makes me think that Thomas was wrong, but Thomas has known John for so long and he probably knows him better than I do and he was right about me never recognizing other people's feelings because I can barely recognize my own!"

I stared at him, dumbfounded. "W-well that's a very detailed analysis," I began, "As for John, I know him almost as well as I know my own mind, Alex, and it's hard for him to stay mad at someone for a very long time. It's also very difficult to read him when it comes to those kinds of feelings. As for Jefferson, he sounds like he won't talk to you for a very long time. I wouldn't worry."

"Any advice?" Alex smiled sheepishly.

"Don't tell John about Jefferson," I advised, "In this case, honesty might not be the best policy. As for John, don't beat yourself up about disappointing him, but don't distance yourself any further. You might lose a great friend."

I was relieved to see him smile. He paced back over and helped me up from my seat on the ground. As I returned to my feet, he held onto my hand and pulled me into an embrace. "Thanks for the advice," he said over my shoulder.

"Anytime, Alex," I responded as we separated, and he held onto my hand briefly before dropping it, "Let's go join the others."

It seemed that there had been no shortage of excitement while we were gone. Peggy, Hercules, and Lafayette were shooting spitballs at one another. John was shielding himself desperately with a plate and Angie was glaring at them; no one dared to spitball her. The battle seemed to continue as me and Alex returned to our seats.

I took the initiative to take the seat between him and John, and he shot me an appreciative smile as we sat down. Soon after we were comfortable John nudged me. I turned to him nonchalantly, and he raised an eyebrow, eyes narrowing slightly. What? I mouthed.

"What happened?" He hissed quietly, dodging a spitball.

"I don't know what you mean," I replied simply, and looked away, signaling that I didn't want to discuss the matter.

I was glad to see that Alex had joined in the fun. He had just hit Laf in the forehead with a rather high-velocity spitball, but it ricocheted off and hit Angie's cheek, leaving a shiny mark. The table grew silent as she politely reached for a napkin and wiped it away, looking at in distaste. She looked back up at Alex.

"Souviens-toi de moi, mes amis," muttered Alex, and Lafayette smirked.

"Now you've done it!" Angelica cried, throwing down the napkin and reaching for her own straw.

The excitement resumed.

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Still Eliza's POV

After we ate, Angie had offered to pick up the bill. Well, not really; the boys had bolted right after, leaving my sisters and I and John, who had decided to stay behind as well. "Thanks a lot, Angelica," he said as I slid out from the booth, letting him out from his window seat.

"No problem, John," she replied, and then turned to me, "You ready, Ellie?"

I nodded, and was about to follow her out when John set a light hand on my arm. "Can I talk to you for a minute, Eliza?" He asked me quietly, looking up carefully at my two sisters who were waiting for me.

I nodded. "Wait for me? I asked hopefully, and the two of them nodded and went outside.

I turned back to John, and took a seat back at the table. He did the same on the opposite side. "You wanna tell me the truth?" He asked instantly.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," I responded, resting my elbow on the table and resting my chin on my hand.

"What did he tell you? There's no other reason he and you would have gone outside together like that," he countered.

"We went for some fresh air."

"Please tell me. I'm worried about him, Eliza."

I raised an eyebrow. "John, do you have feelings for Alexander?" I decided not to delay the inevitable question.

He didn't have to say anything for me to get my answer. His eyes widened, and his cheeks got as red as the roses growing in the quad. "I-I-" He stuttered, but I waved a dismissive hand.

"I guess you don't have to tell me," I smiled, and he began to fiddle with his fingers on the table, the excess color slowly draining from his face.

"It doesn't matter," he muttered to himself, "The guy's straight as an arrow; you two were practically dating."

I laughed so hard I snorted, and then covered my mouth when I saw John's dumbfounded expression. "Did he ever tell you why we stopped dating?" I asked him dubiously.

John shook his head. "I asked, sorta," he explained, "But he didn't want to talk about it. It seemed like a sensitive subject."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "John," I began, "That guy is many, many things, but straight? Not one of them."

John's mouth twitched. "You can smile, Laurens, I won't judge," I noted sarcastically.

He took full advantage, beaming practically from ear to ear; I couldn't help but reflect his enthusiasm. "Wow," I continued, "You're in deep."

His smile faltered a bit, and then it disappeared. "You haven't told me," he began, "Why he's been so distant to me, well, everyone, lately. Did he talk to you at all about me?"

I sighed, and got up from my chair. "There are something Alex wants to keep to himself for the time being," I explained, and John's face fell further, "You'll have to trust that he knows what he's doing."

As I left the cafe to meet up with Peggy and Angie, I left John staring out the window into the night, contemplating what I had said.

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