3. a conservative mindset

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, of course," she replied, making a small smile before rushing towards her spot, slumping on the chair the way she would do if she was at her house on the sofa. But again, why respect something she hated?

Simon turned towards her for a moment, before shaking his head and turn back on his front. The fact that he was always alone wasn't much of a deal, considering that he had moved to New York just a few months back, but apart from that there was nothing wrong with him that would have made people run away –if not, obviously, that he pushed people away without bothering too much.

He was more similar to her than what she would think, but the fact that she had Peter had always made June feel like she wasn't too much of a fuckup.

The class started, and June focused on the things the teacher said as if they were words from the Bible. Studying had always been a perfect way for June to get distracted, even if she still wondered how she could put up with studying and fighting the crime the same day.


"We're home!"

"Hey guys! Dinner's almost ready." June's mother, Heather, appeared from the kitchen and waved at the two before disappearing again.

"Great," June muttered, ignoring Peter's chuckle as she guided him towards her room. They both left their bags at the end of her bed but, when they were about to sit down and rest for a while, Heather called them to get down and eat.

"So, how was school?" she asked once the three were sitting at the table. June's parents both had a job but, when she was little, they had decided that her father would have the morning and afternoon shift and Heather the night one. They had planned to change things when June would have gotten older but they had both gotten so comfortable with their timetable that things didn't change anymore.

"Boring as always. We have a test next week, but it shouldn't be too difficult," Peter replied, filling his mouth with food. He would at times feel more comfortable around June's mother than June ever did.

"For you. As much as I study, I can't physically understand what Mr. Porter talks about half of the time."

"Yeah, cause you spend half of it snoring," Peter joked, raising his eyebrows.

"Idiot," June spat, lowering her head when she noticed her mother's pissed stare on her.

"Do you follow classes, June?" she asked.

"Of course I do, mom," June replied, kicking Peter's leg under the table for putting her in trouble.

"I was- um, I was just kidding, Mrs. Sullivan. June's an amazing student," he immediately said, trying to hide his laughter from Heather, who just rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry, Peter. I know my daughter, and I'll make sure she studies until at least eleven tonight."

June let out a groan as she looked at her mother pleadingly. She had always managed to finish her homework before ten, so that she could lay down and rest until it was time to meet with Peter. Studying until eleven meant that she was not going to be at her best for the whole night.

When they finished eating, June and Peter helped Heather with the dishes before going back to her room, closing the door.

"Don't worry about tonight, June. We'll set up an easier mission and you won't need to use your powers too much," Peter stated, slumping on her bed as she sat on the chair, putting her feet on the end of the bed.

"Yeah, I know, but it pisses me off. I mean, I save the city at night, I fight bad guys and I'm still bossed around by my mother as if I was ten."

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, slightly raising his head. "You know that the odd part about that statement is that you fight bad guys, right? Your mom bossing around is one of the few normal things you have in your life."

June rolled her eyes, sighing. "I know, I know. Shall we study?"

Those were June's favorite moments. She would normally whine about having Peter as her only friend, but those were all lies. She loved being around him, even without the whole fighting the crime part. Peter had the ability to shut down her over thinking, and no one else was able to do that.

She had no idea when their friendship had actually started. It definitely was before they both gained their powers, but nothing much had changed about the way they considered each other. They had met at the beginning of high school, more or less, and had just found each other's presence more bearable than it was with other people. They had become best friends without even noticing it and, while June had developed a crush on him almost immediately, he had always been openly blunt about all the silent messages she had tried to send him. Then he met Gwen Stacy, they had started going out and June had realized she had no chances of being the main protagonist of Peter's desires.

She had developed her powers before Peter, but had kept it a secret from him until he had gotten bitten by a spider. He had called her in the middle of the night, panicking in a way she had never seen him, asking her to reach him immediately.

It had only been the first of many nights she had spent outside of her house, at first trying to understand her powers while helping Peter with his and, when she had found the courage to reveal her secret to him, it had become almost obvious that they had to use them in some way.

The attack of Ultron to the city of Sokovia had been their alarm bell. There were heroes saving the world from enormous dangers, but were there heroes saving people from everyday risks? They had assumed there were, but still made the decision to make something good out of it.

Peter's powers were way more open and obvious, which lead him to be recognized almost immediately as the new savior of Queens. June, on the other hand, had way more unobvious powers that were never really noticed, which led her to be ignored by newspapers and local news. She had been pissed at first, hating the fame Peter was gaining, but she had managed to find all the positive aspects of it, growing affectionate towards the thought that she was a shadow, unknown to most, who saved people's lives without them even knowing.

And that was how they had given themselves the name of Spiderman and Clessidra and had started fighting the crime together.

Love you all  A LOT,


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