"N-no matter! I will be taking her and she will be mine once more!" He claimed.

"Yeah in your damn dreams you little freak!" Willow growled, her hands on fire.

Then he noticed his original self's stomach, it was much bigger than before. Why? If memory serves, that body shouldn't gain weight. Skeleton King made sure of that, so what's going on?

Before he could even think more he dodged Nova's attack. He morphed his left hand into a sword and tried to slice at her, before dodging another hit by Sprx. He kicked Sprx from under his feet and hopped over to him, trying to get to Willow.

Before the two can clash, a giant hand smacked Skelemandarin to the wall. Everyone looked at Mandarin, who dusted his hands.

"I told you, raise my hand and that will be it of him." He smirked.

"Mandarin that is still dangerous! Your child-"

"Is fine you hypochondriac." Mandarin sighed.

Willow glanced over at where the clone impacted as he fell to the floor. He got up, wincing slightly.

"I will not be defeated..." He coughed before morphing his hand into a long thick blade.

"By the likes of you!" He shouted, charging at him before Willow's hand met his stomach, making the clone cough harder.

Willow glared at him, so many dark emotions were flowing through her.

"Wow, what happened to that monkey that captured me? You were so strong and scary back then." She said, her voice turning dark.

SkeleMandarin wheezed and felt himself being held by his horns.

"Kinda weak without all your scary powers now aren'tcha?" She growled, still smiling.

A chill went up everyone's spines, Willow was not acting normal.

"I...you..." Skelemandarin was thrown to the ground.

Skelemandarin coughed again and then a thought passed through his mind.

What were Gibson and his original self talking about? His child? Wait was it possible that his original self was-? Wait he's not even female-!

Then it clicked. Tabithian! Of course! He was pregnant with a Tabithian! Which means he's basically useless in the line of actual battle! And the child would be most...useful once it's born.

A dark aura pierced Willow as she hovered over him. She sneered.

"Now how about we reunite you with your master?" She said, venom dripping from every word and her eyes glowing a bright red.

He had to escape, he had to rethink his plans! Willow raised a hand, a dark ball of energy forming.

Amanda looked at the others.

"She's starting to loose control! We need to calm her down!" She exclaimed.

Antauri looked over to her.

"But then the clone-!" Sprx began before Antauri rushed over to her.

He hesitated, her aura a pitch black. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held onto her tightly. Everyone froze in shock at his affection. Willow froze as he hugged her, her dark emotions slowly melting away. The amount of shock and powerful dark emotions grew too much for her as she then collapsed, fainted.

"Willow!" Everyone rushed over to her.

Skelemandarin raised himself up, now is his chance! He morphed his hand into a blaster and blasted a hole in the wall. He quickly rushed, limping as he went. He whistled loudly, bringing a large winged beast to him.

An Excuse MaybeWhere stories live. Discover now