Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

As she walks into the store, a bell above the door alerts the two men behind the counter of her presence. One of the men is in his mid-fifties with graying red hair; he stands at about six feet tall and has a prominent beer belly. The other man is younger, about twenty-three, and possibly the older man's son. This man's hair is dyed a deep blue and he is about five foot eight. "Hello, welcome to our store." The younger of the two says, "I'm Morton, but please call me Blu and this is my dad Rick."

Jean gives them a small smile but it quickly fades as Blu gives her a big smile back and flirtatiously winks at her. 'Oh God, no...' she thinks to herself. Unlike her twin brother, Jean has never seen the point in any kind of relationship with anybody of the opposite sex except for her father and brothers. And of course, Bobby...but he's more of a grumpy uncle figure. As a matter of fact, she's never had any kind of sexual experience. Although this Blu kid is kinda cute, Jean would never even consider doing anything with him due to the fact that she's a hunter and doesn't have time to waste on such silly things as sex and romance.

As Jean is walking around the store looking at their selection of alcohol, Blu is following her around talking a mile-a-minute and asking all sorts of annoying questions. Finally reaching the end of her tolerance level, she turns to Blu and straightens to stand at her true height of six foot three. A woman of her height towers above a lot of people and usually intimidates them. Most of the time, Jean stays hunched over except at times like this...when she wants to intimidate someone. She speaks to Blu as if scolding a child, "I'm not interested. My uncle and I are just passing through town and aren't planning on staying but for a day or two."

Blu seems to get the hint because he immediately drops his flirtatious attitude and returns behind the counter.

Jean returns to her browsing and soon picks up a bottle of Jack Daniel's for Bobby, knowing that it will be the only thing that saves her ass from being filled with buckshot later. Bobby has repeatedly told her that she turns into the world's biggest idjit when she's drunk. She also picks up a bottle of Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey and walks up to Rick who is behind the cash register.

"Anything else I can get you?" Rick asks, trying to hide his amusement at her turning down his son.

Jean's eyes roam over the self behind the counter until they stop on a bottle of clear alcohol. "And a bottle of Everclear please."

Rick grabs the bottle and scans it along with the other bottles of liquor. Jean pays for the booze and grabs the sacks of alcohol before leaving the store. She opens the door of Bobby's truck and climbs in. She stows the bags in a safe place, so that they won't roll around and break, then starts the truck and precedes to drive back to the motel.

When she arrives back at the motel, she grabs the bags of alcohol and then goes to grab her bag from the back of the truck. That's when she realizes that Bobby's bags are still there beside her own; in her excitement she had driven away before Bobby could retrieve them. "Oops." She grabs Bobby's bags along with her own. When she reaches room 132 she pauses, holds Bobby's bags in one hand, puts on her best puppy dog eyes, then knocks on the door. The door is quickly wrenched open and Bobby is standing there, red-faced and on the verge of yelling at her. Jean holds Bobby's duffel bags out in front of her like a sacred sacrifice, looks at Bobby with her puppy dog eyes, and says "I'm sorry."

Bobby's face softens and he rolls his eyes, anger vanishing almost instantly; he never can resist Jean's puppy dog eyes. "Get in here ya idjit." Jean walks into the motel room and Bobby shuts the door behind her muttering, "I swear ya could make the Devil himself have a change of heart with those puppy eyes of yours." As Jean throws her duffel on her own bed, Bobby speaks again, "Daniel Elkins is dead."

Jean turns and looks at him, surprise and sorrow written all over her face. "What? How?"

"Vamps...but don't worry, your brothers are looking into it."

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