Just for fun

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When one of your Muslim friends isn't praying 5 times a day.


This in no way is meant to attack anyone, but I want to use this to address an issue

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This in no way is meant to attack anyone, but I want to use this to address an issue. 

I feel like ppl focus SOOOOOO much on being modest and covering those three pieces of hair that are showing or that 5cm of arm and forcing them to memorize Quran without understanding it just makes ppl lose the important and crucial part of Islam, which is being a grateful and repenting servant of God.

Sure you might not wear the hijab, sure you might not read Quran, sure you might be a sinner like everyone else, but you CANNOT stop praying. 

Praying is the heart of Islam. It's literally the second pillar, guys, how could you possibly ignore it!? 

Praying helps you achieve those things (being modest, avoiding sin, reading Quran, etc). 

Without praying, you will literally have no motivation to do anything for God. PRAYING IS SOO FUCKING IMPORTANT, I CANT STRESS IT ENUFF!!

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