Chapter 21

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Scarlett POV

It was a nice change to be in a car with someone who isn't constantly flirting with me.

I was sitting next to Brayden. He's so nice, he's always so helpful and understanding.

"So, how was your flight?" Brayden asks me.

"It was so funny, Parker made me laugh so hard that it gave me hiccups!" I reply.

"We're nearly at my house now, there's only one issue..."


"Well, there's my room that has 2 beds, there's Nathan's room and there's the couch."


"So someone's going to have to sleep in the same room as me."

"I don't mind where I sleep, I can go with you."

"Great, I'm glad we got that sorted, anyway, we're here."

Oh. My. Gosh.

This. Place. Is. Amazing!!!

I'm speechless, there's an ocean view, a pool, a two story house, what more do you want!?

As we pull up on the driveway, I grab my bags from the trunk of the car and start heading inside of the house.

"Here, let me help you with that." Brayden says, taking my heaviest bag.

"Why thank you." I say.

"Anything for you, Scarlett."

Brayden POV

I've got the hottest girl that I know, sleeping in my room.

Of course, it would be better if she was sleeping in the same bed as me... Someday...

I lead Scarlett up to our room and place her bag onto the bed that she will be sleeping in.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I ask, politely.

"You've done enough, thank you." Scarlett replies.

I exit the room and head downstairs. I've planned the whole night out, all by myself. Gawd I sound like a little kid now. Anyway, we will be playing a game tonight.


This is such a short chappie

But my Hoya squad don't mind, do you?

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