Chapter 17

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Scarlett POV

Today came around so quick. It seems like only a few minutes ago that Mitchell announced his departure.

Oh yeah, I didn't tell you guys what we did last night. I don't really need to, though, as all we did was watch a movie, nothing fascinating happened.

Well, apart from Liam tried to hold my hand during the movie so I bitch slapped him on his face. Serves him right, how dare he touch me without my permission.

Anyways, we waved goodbye to Mitchell as he drove off in his car.

Everyone's sad today but nobody showed it.

I stayed in my room all day and so did everyone else. Sometimes you would here a random conversation between some of the boys in the other rooms but they never lasted long.

I was tempted to go and talk to someone, to see how they were feeling but, they were boys so they wouldn't open up to me.

I was so bored but I don't care. I just lay there, on my bed, watching the world go by.

Then, there was a quiet knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I question.

"It's me." Parker says.

"Come in."

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Not good."


"I miss Mitchell."

"We all do, it's just that nobody will open up about it."

"I know."

"So, is Will really your Valentine?"

"Now is not a good time."

"Oh come on, I just need a yes or no."

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I didn't believe that he was really your Valentine, I thought you were just putting it on so that Liam and Zach would stop arguing."



"You know what.."


"Well, I... Oh forget it."

"Oh come on, you can't just start something like that and then just stop."

"I just did, deal with it."

"I bet you feel like total thug life right now."

"Haha that's true."

"I see right through you."

"Hey Parker..."

"Yeah Scarlett?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming in here and cheering me up."

"That's my job around here."

"I appreciate that job."

"Well, I'd better be going to check on the others, see if they're alright. I did knock on Will's door but he didn't answer so I thought that you could."

"Why me?"

"I don't know, maybe he'll answer to you because he's your Valentine."

"I'll go knock on his door then."

"Yeah, you go do that."

"Oh and thanks again for cheering me up, Parker."

"It's no problem."


Parker's nice...

He totally likes her, don't you agree my Hoya Squad?

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