Chapter 3

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The car ride was incredibly awkward. I sat between Will and Parker and I could feel Parker staring at me the whole time, so I tried to keep my attention away from him, just to drive him more insane.

You know, Will never contributed much to the group. He usually just goes along with whatever is happening and doesn't say a word to complain about it. You know what, I might actually make the effort to try and get a decent conversation out of him.

"So Will, is there anything you're going to get from the shopping centre?" I asked politely.

"Err.. I didn't have anything in mind, what about you?" He replied.

"Well, I need a new phone screen because SOMEONE broke my current one." I stared at Mitchell as he drove the car, innocently.

"My bad." Mitchell commented.

"You know, Valentine's Day is coming soon!" Parker contributed.

"Yeah but Valentine's Day is all romantic and stuff and I'm not into that." I replied.

"Come on, Valentine's Day can be fun!" Zach said.

"It's far from fun, Zach." I said.

"I can show you a fun time on Valentine's Day if you wanna." Parker says, giving me a suggestive wink.

"That sounds too cheesy, isn't that right Will?" I say, trying to involve him in the conversation.

"I agree with you, Scarlett, but that's probably because I've never spent Valentine's Day with a girl before." Will sighs.

"Aww, same here. How about we go and spend Valentine's Day together then, it'll be 'fun'." I ask, gaining shocked stares from literally everyone.

Will opened his mouth to reply but Zach and Parker both shot him evil glares so he shut his mouth and just shrugged at me. I gave him a confused look but he just smiled at me. What does that mean? I mean, it was only a silly suggestion and these idiots are putting pressure on poor Will.

"We're here." Zach announced as we pulled up in a parking space.

Everyone responded with simultaneous "YEY"s as we exited the car.


It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.

Please don't because that would be a tad bit inappropriate.

Wait, what am I saying, nobody can see you so do what you like. I want all of my Hoya squad to strip!!

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