Chapter 19

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Will POV

It's true, what Scarlett said.

I haven't asked her to be my Valentine. But I don't know if I should.

I'm afraid that, if I do ask her, then she'll just think of me as one of the other boys.

Girls are confusing. I really wish I could read her mind, or have a time travel machine so that if I ask her and she says no then I can go back in time to before I ask her, so I know that I must avoid it.

Scarlett POV

I don't want a Valentine. Valentine's Day is all about love and I don't love.

I go on my computer and notice that I have an email from Brayden and Nathan.

So we were wondering if you and Parker would wanna come to our place for a few days to catch up.
We have spoke in so long that I miss you guys.
Bye - Brayden and Nathan

You know what, I do wanna go to Hawaii (where they live).

I ask Parker and he does as well, so I reply to the guys.


So, today is Thursday, we leave on Friday so that gives us one day to pack.

Crap, what am I going to take with me?

Parker POV

I wonder why they asked only myself and Scarlett to go, they usually ask all of us.

Oh well, I need to pack, we leave tomorrow.

Time skip to after packing is finished

That only took me an hour. It was quicker than last time!

I'm going to check on Scarlett to see if she needs any help.

*knock knock*

"Come in." Scarlett calls.

"Hey Scarlett." I say.

She turns around to look at me and smiles. I return the smile and she looks away.

"You know earlier, when you asked if Will was my Valentine."


"Well, he didn't officially ask me. You were right, I only said it to stop arguments."

"It worked, Liam said he was happy for you."

"Awwww, that's so sweet."

"So, about Valentine's Day."

"It's like 3 weeks away."

"Yeah and that gives me three weeks to plan what we do, if you want?"

"Are you asking me to be your valentine?"

"Yeah, so do you?"

"Let me think about it."


Damnit, I really thought that she was going to say yes this time. Next time, maybe.

"So, do you need help with any packing?" I ask.

"I'm just about done."Scarlett replies

"Aww, I thought I could win you over by being helpful."

"Oh well, maybe next time."


Nooooo... Don't say yes to Parker..

He's not right for you!!

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