Chapter 7

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After the movie had finished I got up and put on my pyjamas. A few moments later, the rest of the boys came barging in the front door, shouting random comments.

As soon as I exited my room I could smell the alcohol. They were obviously smashed.

"Hey ba *hiccup* abe come here and gimme some sugar." Zach shouted at me.

"Ew no, you're smashed mate." I reply.

"Ok *hiccup* lemme know when you *hiccup* change your mind"

Next morning

Zach POV

So I wake up early with a banging headache, just as I do every Saturday morning because Friday night is drinks night with the squad.

Anyways, I get up and go in the shower to clear my head.

Today is going to be the day that I confront Will for liking my girl.

I tried to talk to him about it when we were out last night but then I got carried away with a little game we call 'beer pong'.

After my long and refreshing shower I put on some casual clothes and exit my room. I sashay over to Will's room and knock on his door.

"Who is it?" Will shouts.

"It's me, Zach." I reply.

"Come in."

"Hey, so there's something that's been on my mind lately."

"What is it?"

"Well, I've got a quick question for you and you need to be totally honest with me."

"I don't like where this is going."

"Well, do you like Scarlett?"

"I mean, she's a great friend..."

"No, I mean like like."

"Oh, well, errrr... She's very pretty and funny so kinda."

"Well, you can get that idea out of your tiny brain coz she's mine."

"Whoa there's no need for insults."

"Just stay away from my girl, OK?"

I exit his room with a grin that reached my ears. Mission accomplished. Now... There's only Parker that's in my way from my true love and I to finally become what I have been longing for.


-Insert good authors note here-

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