Chapter 11

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Scarlett POV

After a few more rounds of truth or dare, Mitchell came out with an announcement.

"So guys, you know that I've been seeing this girl, bee..." Mitchell begun.

"And..." Everyone says

"Well, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes!!" He said excitedly.

"Damn, tell us how you did it?" Zach asked.

"Well, I just used my smooth moves on her and she fell for me." Mitchell answered.

I was shocked. I never imagined Mitchell to be with a girl. What was her name again? Bee? I'm sure that's short for Bianca.

"When do we meet her?" I asked.

"She's coming over in about an hour." Mitchell replied.

I quickly jumped up and dashed upstairs. The boys asked why but I just said I need to be prepared. I'd never really met a girl that was my age before. For the first time in about 5 years I took my hair out of the high ponytail and left it down.

I never really looked at my hair before, it was really long, down to my waist even, and it was brown with slight curls in. I didn't like my hair but I just dealt with it, it's not like I wanted to put in any effort to change it.

After brushing my hair I went back downstairs. The boys stared at me in shock, I didn't know if they liked it or not so I just stared back at them.

"Whoa babe, you look stunning." Liam complimented.

"All I did was take my hair out of my ponytail." I replied.

"You should keep it down more often, it looks good on you." Liam complimented again.

I blushed. This was the first time that I had ever blushed. I think I'm developing feelings. YEY I don't have a black heart!

After a few more compliments I sat down on the couch next to Liam. He put his arm around me and, with his other arm, he played with my hair, twirling it around his finger.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang and Mitchell jumped up to answer it. Oh my gosh I'm finally going to meet a girl my own age. Deep breaths Scarlett, deep breaths.

She greeted every one of us with smiles and 'hello's until she finally got to me.

"Hey, I'm bee, it's nice to meet you." Bee said, politely.

"Hi bee, I'm Scarlett." I replied.

"Scarlett.. What a peculiar name... Is that from a movie or something?"

"I don't know where I got my name from."

"You know, Scarlett is my favourite colour."

"Really? You might find this surprising but it's not mine. Mines black."

After a long discussion and getting to know Bee, she finally had to leave. Mitchell escorted her to her car and the rest of us discussed whether she's good enough for Mitchell.

We all agreed that she was indeed good enough, in fact, she was even better than good enough. She was amazing, she was funny, smart and pretty.

"So, do you guys like her?" Mitchell asked, hopefully.

"Yeah." Everyone said, almost simultaneously.


The hardest part about writing is coming up with a decent A/N at the end.



Hoya Squad

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