Chapter 38:Starting My New Job At Work (Part One)

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Josh: Maybe I and you could look to live in our own place

Aria: Josh are you being serious our is this some kind of a joke

Josh: No I am not joking. I think will be great if we have our own place

Aria: I also think it's a great idea but I will have to talk to my family tonight

Josh: How about we take them out for a meal and talk to them?

Aria: Sounds great but could you phone them. (I hand Josh my phone)

Josh: Yeah sure. That will not be a problem.

Josh stood up from leaning again my desk and I turned back to the laptop. I quickly did the paperwork as Josh had distracted me for 30 minutes. I heard him finish off the phone and he came back over to me. He handed my phone back and started speaking again but I was trying to do my work at the same time.

Josh: They are all coming to the meal

Aria: Even my parents

Josh: Yep so what time do you leave?

Aria: I finish at 5pm

Josh: Well you have 1 minute to go

Aria: Just give me a minute to pack this up

Josh: Okay

I shut down the laptop and closed the top. I picked my handbag up from underneath the desk and got out of the spinney seat. Josh hopped off the desk and I held on to his hand. We made our way over to the office door and Josh unlocked the door. He opened the door and I quickly turned the lights out for the office. Josh lead me out of the office and I quickly shouted a goodbye to my manager when I was outside her door. Josh and I exited the music store. We strolled down to the car park and Josh hopped into the car with me. I thought he brought his car too but obviously not.

Aria: How did you get to Manchester Josh?

Josh: What do you mean?

Aria: Well... you have no car with you

Josh: I caught the train up because I knew you would have your car

Aria: Ah okay

We both strapped ourselves in and I started the engine. Josh told me the place of the restaurant and I put it into the sat nave. I waited for it to upload and it finally did. I drove out of the car park and started making my journey to the restaurant.

It took about 30 minutes because of rush hour traffic but my family was going to be stuck in it anyways. We finally arrived and I parked my car up in the parking lot. I stopped the engine and we both unstrapped ourselves. I grabbed my phone and purse out of my handbag. I and Josh hopped out of my car. I locked my car and we both strolled into the restaurant hand in hand. The waiter came up to us and asked how many for. Josh told the waiter that it was going to be 8 people. The waiter lead us to a table for 8 people and we both sat down. The waiter placed the menus out on the table for everyone and took our order for drinks. The waiter took our drinks order and left. I and Josh waited for my family to arrive. They soon arrived well except my parents but I wanted them to be here so hopefully they will come shortly. Gino came running towards me and Milo wanted to sit the other side of me. I picked him up and put him in the seat next to me. Auntie Kaye and Uncle Dappy came strolling over. They sat at the table. Soon my parents arrived and the waiter came back. The waiter came mine and Josh's drinks. The waiter ordered the rest of the drinks and ordered all of our food. The waiter left from our table.

The seating arrangements were; I, Gin and Milo on one side. Josh and my parents opposite us. Auntie Kaye and Uncle Dappy at either end of the table. The waiter gave us the rest of our drinks and left again. Uncle Dappy started talking because it was an awkward silence.

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