Chapter 22:Heading Back Home With A Surprise

Start from the beginning

I'm like yeah, whatever, we're still living like that

When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups

Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Say, won't you say &forever&

Stay, if you stay forever

Hey, we can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs

With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love

I got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk

Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling, &Kiss my ass!&

I'm like yeah, whatever, we're still living like that

When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups

Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, (yeah raise your glass and say) here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, (da de da de da) here's to never growing up (no we're never growing up)

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Josh's POV

After dropping off Aria at her house, I could tell that she was mad at me so I drove to the nearest shops. I parked my car up in the car park and stopped the car engine. I unstrapped myself and hopped out of the car. I locked the car and made my way in the shops. I brought a single white rose and made my way back to the car. I unlocked my car and hopped in. I placed the rose on the seat next to me and pulled out the letter I wrote earlier. I placed the letter with the rose and I strapped myself in. I started the engine and drove out of the car park. I made my way back to Aria's house and parked the car outside the house. I stopped the car engine and unstrapped myself. I grabbed the rose and letter. I hopped out of the car and locked it. I made my way through the gate and wandered up to the front door. I knocked on the front door and I heard someone coming. Aria's Auntie answered the door and she had a confused look on her face.

Kaye: Hi Josh, did you want me to get Aria for you

Josh: No it's alright. I just came here to give these to her but can you give them to her

Kaye: Yeah sure

I gave the rose and letter to Kaye. I told her goodbye and made my way back to my to the car. I unlocked the car and hopped in. I strapped myself in and started the engine. I started driving away from Aria's house and I am making my way back home.

Aria's POV

I finished my song and I placed the guitar in the corner of the room again. I stopped the camera from recording and plugged it into the computer. I edited the video and uploaded the video to my YouTube channel. Whilst I was doing that, I heard a knock at the door and I gathered that someone downstairs answered the door. They had a short conversation and I soon heard the front door being closed again. I stayed in the studio and I heard someone come up the stairs. Luckily, they couldn't see me and I saw them making their way to my bedroom. They placed something in my bedroom and they left again. They went back downstairs and I left the music studio. I made my way to my bedroom and I opened the door. I saw something on my bed and I entered my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and made my way over to my bed. I saw that it was a single white rose with a letter. I picked up the letter and opened it up. I saw that it was from Josh and I started reading it. I can't believe he is going through all of this trouble. He is going to buy me a hundred roses and then something is going to happen on the hundredth rose.

I was called for tea and I left my bedroom. I made my way downstairs and into the dining room. I sat at the table and the servant served our food. We all dished into our food and soon enough we have finished. The servant took our plates away and everyone left the table. I made my way back upstairs with Gino and Milo. I got Gino and Milo ready for bed. I tucked them both into bed and told them goodnight. I left Milo's bedroom after finishing with him and I closed the door behind me but left a slight gap. I made my way to my bedroom and entered the bedroom. I got a clean pair of pyjamas out and went into the bathroom. I ran the bath and it was soon finished. I put the jets on and I stripped out of my clothes. I hopped into the bath and spent 30 minutes in their. 30 minutes later, I hopped out of the bath and I turned the jets off. I took the water out and got ready for bed. I put my clean underwear on and got changed into my pyjamas. I brushed my teeth and took all of my make-up off. I grabbed my clothes with my dirty underwear and I departed the bathroom. I put all the dirty clothes in the wash basket and I crawled into bed. I pulled my laptop from underneath of my bed and started it up. As that was starting up, my phone vibrated on my bedside table and I grabbed my phone. I saw that I had a message and opened it up. I read the message as it was from Josh and replied back to him. I placed my phone next to me and turned back to my laptop. I was going to search for a job because I know I can't stick around here all day in my life. I searched and searched. I finally came across a job that was at a music store. I thought that I am going to go in tomorrow and see if they can give me the job. I glanced at the time and saw that it was 10pm. I decided to turn my laptop off and I put it back under my bed. I draped my curtains closed and crawled back into bed. I pulled the duvet up and placed my phone on the bedside table. I turned over and I soon fell asleep.

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