The class soon starts and I give my introductions and an assigned seat. I could feel eyes all over me. I'm not full Japanese and they can tell that much. My skin has olive undertones and my eyes are a forest green. Not too vivid, not too muted. I still have almond upturned eyes and v shaped jaw along with a few more Japanese trait. But, they still don't have to stare. I find myself sinking a bit in my chair.


The school day ends and I get my shoes from my locker. I trot down to the gym to see if it is in use. I see volleyballs bouncing off walls. Occupied. I decide to wait until the gym is open to use it. I stay out of site because I didn't want to run into anymore people I would need to introduce myself to. But I could still see the exit of the gym. I sit down and fumble around for my homework assignment.


I notice people leaving the gym from where I sit. I wait until a decent amount of people walk out before peeking inside to see if anyone was in there. Just two. I wait a little longer and they come out. I find myself grinning slightly as I sneak into the gym.

The bright lights reflect on the shiny wooden floors. I place my bag in the corner of the room and go to the little restroom marked so. I take off my skirt, revealing the canvas shorts I had on underneath. Spandex is too uncomfortable to wear all day. I change into a loose t shirt. I dig in my bag and find my headband, phone and earbuds. I change into different shoes and I go back into the gym. My black shirt curves along with my back and my maroon shorts flutter when I run.

The net was not left up so I had to set it up myself. I found the equipment needed in the conveniently unlocked storage room. I set up and roll the ball basket out. I look around once more before I switch on one of my playlists and stretching.

Once I finish stretching, I jog in place to warm up my leg. Now this is the fun part. I pull the volleyball cart beside me and I begin practicing serves. My eyes trace the volleyball from the moment I toss it in the air. I suck in a deep breath as my feet leave the floor. The deafening sound of the ball slapping on the other side of the court brings a grin to my face.

Third POV

The girl does her jump serve countless times. Drops of sweat form on her brow and a smile forms on her mouth. The adrenaline-filled serves made it all worth while. The three seniors were walking passed the gym when they heard the squeaking of shoes and the smack of the ball on the ground.

They originally thought it was the freak duo until they remember them joining each other in the club room. "Who would be up here so late? We can rule out Hinata and Kageyama who are the only ones I know who would stay out this late," the senior with the shortly cropped hair reasons.

"Maybe we should check it out, it could be someone trying to wreck the place," the gray headed boy suggests, just wanting to find out who it is. "Why would someone do that?" but the other two are already power walking to the gym. "Wait!" he yells as he jogs up to them.

They slide open the gym door and see a girl. They open it just in time to see her slam her last serve. "What the hell was that?!" Daichi whisper shouts. The girl has music blasting in her ears and doesn't notice them at all. "I know her!" the other two turn to Sugawara.

"She got lost in the third year hall before school, she's a new student first year. I showed her to her classroom,"

"Totally worth the wait," she says in a sing say tone. She brings the cart over to the other side of the court and picks up the volleyballs. They crane their necks around the door to she what she would do next.

She bumps the ball and practices receives. They could tell she purposely gave herself odd balls to receive. After a few minutes and moves up to the net. She pushes up her glasses and exhales sharply.

She tosses a ball up and spikes it. "She setting her own ball," Asahi mutters. She repeats this until she runs out of balls. She places her hands on her knees and catches her breath, "Now to erase all evidence," she says with a grin. It was a completely different attitude than Sugawara experienced in the hallway.

She quickly picks up the balls and rushes them into the storage closet. A playful grin graces her face as she places her hands on the ground. Her legs kick up and she walks on her hands a few steps before falling into a back bend and getting up. She hums a circus tune as she does so.

Dachi elbows the other two and walks into the gym. He casually starts untying the net on the opposite side she was on. She undoes her knot and turns to the other side of the net. She sees the unknown male and freezes. She drops her end of the net and pulls the pole that once help the net up from the ground and scurries to the closet.

The three of them snicker at her awkward walk when she was holding the pole. Daichi rolls up then net. Asahi and Sugawara get the other pole. Just as she puts the pole back into its original place and grab a broom she sees three shadows. "Shitshitshitshit," she mutters as she slowly tuns around.

She puts on a distressed smile as she turns to face them, "H-Hello?" she stutters out as she pauses her music. "Those spikes and receives were really good," Sugawara says with a closed eye smile. "I-I'm sorry th-that I used t-the gym," she says as she slips her way out of the closet and darts away. Before she could run away, "Wait it's okay!" Daichi shouts.

She stops and turns back. The three quickly put up the equipment, "Where did you learn to play like that?' Daichi asks. "I learned by watching others," she looks down at her fidgeting hands.

"Are you going to join the girls' team here?" Sugawara asks. She shakes her head solemnly. "Why not?" he presses. "I physically can't" her shoulders bunch up. She looks up and see the males waiting for further explanation.

"T-The volleyball official said I exceeded the maximum strength for a female high school player. They called it an unfair to have me on a team so I can't play official high school m-matches,"

"That's odd," Asahi mutters. "I know, boys' volleyball doesn't have restriction but we do," she huffs.

"What if I said that you can be a part of our team as an assistant coach?" Daichi blurts out.Her eyes widen. If she can't play with the girls, this is the second best. "Are you being serious?" he nods vigorously. He refused to see such talent go un-practiced.

"I mean if the others would be okay with it then yeah I guess. Who even are you though?" she asks. Daichi grins and digs his thumb into his chest. "Daichi Sawamura, Third year and captain of the volleyball team!"

She gets flustered, thinking the way she said her last statement sounded rude. She bows lowly, "I'm so sorry!" he waves it off with a smile and bunched up eyebrows. She looks up as Daichi elbows the long hair male. "Asahi Azumane third year,"

"And you already know me," Sugawara says. "Tomorrow, come and meet us after school in the gym and we can ask our coach," Daichi arranges. "Will you be there?" he looks at her hopefully. After a few moments she nods. "Great!"

The three walk and talk with her. Sugawara looks up at the darkened sky, "It's getting dark out, do you want me to walk you home?" he offers, worried for her safety.

"I'll be fine. I don't live too far from here," she attempts to wave off. "It's really no trouble," he offers again. "Thanks for the offer," she stops in her tracks and looks up at him. "But I'm not a defenseless as I seem," a very faint, almost non existent smirk hints on her face as she turns around

She shoves her earbuds in again and walks off. "She's... something," Asahi says. Sugawara lets out a short laugh, "From what I can tell, she's definitely interesting,"

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