Chapter 12:Is My Life About To Come Crashing Down Again

Start from the beginning

Aria: Okay. Can I have a hug.

Josh: Yeh sure. Come here

I shuffled over to Josh and we both cuddled into each other. I have the perfect and beautiful boyfriend ever. I shouldn't be selfish but I am only like it because people around me breaks my heart and I don't let them in. This is the first that I have ever let a boy in and fix my heart together. My heart has been broken and never got back together because my parents went on holiday without me and my previous boyfriends have cheated on me. 5 minutes ago, I and Josh broke up the cuddling. Josh went to phone his parents to see if we could stay with them for a while. Whilst I watched television and waited for Josh to come back to tell me the news. The only down side to this, is that Josh has to leave his bandmates for a while because Josh's parents lives in California. Obviously us living in London, we have to travel over on a plane and we have to tell Josh's bandmates today about the news. Josh came off the phone to his parents and came back to me in the living room. He sat on the sofa next to me and I gazed at him. He had a serious look on his face and I knew that his parents told him no.

Aria: What did your parents tell you

Josh: They told me ...

Aria: Spill it out

Josh: We can go over and as soon as possible. Although, I will be leaving my bandmates for a while and we will have to tell them at lunch

Aria: Okay and how long will we stay with your parents

Josh: Until we are ready o come back home and face everything together

Aria: Okay

I, Josh, George, Ella, JJ and Jaymi all got ready to go out for lunch. We all left the house about 12:30 and got into the car's. It was I and Josh in his. With the rest in George's car. Josh left the drive way first and George followed behind us. We arrived at the restaurant about 1ish and we parked the car's up in the car park. We all hopped out of the car's and the two boys locked their car up. We made our way into the restaurant and the waiter directed us to a table with six seats. We all sat down and the waiter took our drinks order. The waiter came back 5 minutes later with our drinks and handed them out to us. The waiter went away again and we all chose what we was going to eat. The waiter came back and took our food order. He went away again and Josh chose this moment to tell his bandmates that we were going to California for a while.

Josh: Guys, I and Aria has something to tell you

George: That you both are getting together

Aria: George, we are already got together

George: Congrats but what did you want to tell us

Jaymi: That they are expecting a baby

Josh: No. we have only just got into the relationship. We are not ready for a child yet

Jaymi: Sorry

JJ: This it that you are planning to get married

Josh: No. Now just shut up

Aria: Just tell them Josh

Josh: I and Aria are going to see my parents for a while

Ella: But that is in California

Josh: I know but we both need a break away from this mess at the moment

George: What mess. I don't understand

Josh: It is a bit difficult that Aria's family is living next to us and she can't cope at the moment

Jaymi: Does you parents know

Josh: Yes they do but I was hoping to take a break from the band until we are back and ready

JJ: I'm sure that the manager won't mind and we do need to have our lives

George: I agree

Jaymi: So do I

Josh: So it's okay for us to go

JJ: You go ahead and have a nice time with your family

Josh: Thank you guys

Aria: Thanks

Ella: It's okay. I will look after these three nutters

George: Hey I am not a nutter

We all burst out laughing and our food came to our table. We all started eating our food and finished 30 minutes later. We asked for the bill and they gave it to us. I and Ella agreed to pay something towards the bill but the boys told us no. They all split the bill between them and payed there money. We all got up from the seat and started leaving the restaurant. We thanked the restaurant and exited. We made our way back to our cars and hopped in. We had the same arrangements as last time. We drove back to the house and when we arrived back, I saw the Contostavlos household out on the drive way. Josh and George parked on their drive way. We all hopped out of the car and the boys locked the door. We made our way up to the front door but I heard my name being called. Everyone was in the house except from I and Josh. I and Josh turned around to see who it was. Of course it was Uncle Dappy and Auntie Kaye. I felt Josh's body tense up which was against mine and he grabbed me behind him. I stayed there and didn't say anything.

Josh: I thought I told you to go away

Dappy: Please, we just want to talk to Aria

Josh: She doesn't want to talk right now

Kaye: Please Josh

Josh: Aria, do you want to talk to them

Aria: No I don't

Josh: You heard her. Now just go

Dappy: We will stay here until we get her back

Josh: It's a bit late for that

Kaye: What do you mean

George: He means nothing about that

Dappy: Who are you

JJ: Hey don't bring crap to our front door and don't speak like that to my friend

Dappy: Aria, seriously you need to get new friends

Jaymi: Don't say that

Ella: And go away

Auntie Kaye and Uncle Dappy walked away from our drive way. We all went inside and everyone went to chill in the living room. Except I and Josh. Josh pulled me up the stairs and to his bedroom. We went into his bedroom and he locked the bedroom door behind us. He pushed me up against the door and started passionately kissing me. I returned the kiss and we stopped after 5 minutes for oxygen.

I Just Got Adopted By...My Auntie And UncleWhere stories live. Discover now