"Oppaaaa !! Put me down !!!" I yelled, Yoongi only laughed harder.
"You better not be looking at my ass" I sulked.

"Wow, babygirl. You know me so well."

"Bitch ass"


I was relaxing under one of beach umbrellas, listening to music & reading book. I occasionally looked up from my novel to see what the others were doing from time to time.
One of the times I looked up, I saw Yoongi by the water & was talking with a couple of girls. I kept my sunglasses on and observed from a far so that it didn't seem like I was staring.
He was laughing and smiling with the girls; and they we're touching his arm, feeling the tattoos that I love. One of them got really close & whispered something in his ear. It was obvious that they were flirting with him & he didn't do anything to stop it. I couldn't continue doing this.

It was so hard to watch. I had so much anger building inside of me. He wants to get me back but then he does this ? Why should I even trust him ?

A few minutes later, Yoongi headed back to where our beach blankets were set up.

"Hey babygirl" he said, sitting next to me. I simply ignored him and gave him a disgusted look.

"What's wrong ?" He asked, confused.

"Nothing." I said coldly.

"It's not nothing, I know you."

"You say you want me back & that I should trust you, but how can I ? A few minutes ago you were over there flirting with those girls !" I blurted out.

"You can trust me ! Those girls went up to me and yeah, they were flirting with me, but I told them to fuck off because I have a girlfriend !"

"It didn't look like that." I sulked.

"Babygirl, why are you like this ? Why is it so hard for you to believe anything I say ?"

"It only takes one instance for me not to trust someone. I don't wanna get fucked over by giving second chances; I've done that before."

"I'm different, babygirl."

"I've heard that before, words don't mean shit. If you're really different, show me."

"I just told two girls to fuck off because I have a girlfriend ! How is that not showing you ?" He said angrily.

"I didn't see that, I only saw them getting really close with you & you guys laughing together."

"Babygirl, please. I need you. You need to trust me."

"What I need is for you to try harder to show me why I should trust you." I said, getting up and walking away from Yoongi.


Later that evening, we gathered together around a fire pit on the shore by our beach house.

Later that evening, we gathered together around a fire pit on the shore by our beach house

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