Chapter 34 - DJing and Happy Faces

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'Wow! This is so amazing!' I glance up from me re-wiring a light cord before focusing back on it again. I plug it in and it sparks back to life and laser lights in all colours shoot across the room before stopping again. 

'Wooo. Awesome.' She said. 'Who are you may I ask?'

'Name's DJ. Here to do the tunes,' I say as I sort out my baseball cap.

'You are doing the tunes for my party? Yay! I wanted you to come. Reviews on our website were amazing!' She said.

'Thanks. I'm guessing you are the birthday girl then? Happy Birthday from me.' I say.

'Thanks. I can't wait! This is gonna be awesome!' She jumps up and down.

'Gonna rock like hardcore parkour,' I say quietly so she doesn't hear.

'We are gonna rock it hardcore parkour!!!!' She shouts, fist pumping.

Wait. She knows my saying? She really has no idea that I'm the one that made that up. I find that really funny.

'I'm Kate. Nice to meet ya,' she said.

'I'm DJ as you already know. If you have any requests for tunes or anything, you let me know alright dude?' I say.

'Sure thing! I have to go and get changed into my dress. Guests will be here soon. See you later!' Kate skips off.

I go to the van and grab a bag with a change of clothes. I had contacted the parents and they said I could wear what I wanted. I went for casual smart. Black shirt with a skull on under a black and red checkered shirt with smart black jeans. Of course I wore my black and red baseball cap. Soon it was time to get rocking. I shut off all the lights and started up my ones. Multi-coloured lights went everywhere, laser lights shot in all directions and the whole room was ready to party! Mrs Dawsons came to me and walked up to my DJ stand.

'Guests are starting to arrive now.' She tells me.

'Thanks for telling me. Time to get Kate's party under way!' I smile as she leaves.

I flick a few switches, set the volume high and put in a CD. I have so many playlists going to play tonight it's unreal. I begin to play a upbeat and funky song to get everybody in that party mood. Friends of Kate's began to arrive and greet her. Kate wore a knee high light pink dress which glittered with red roses on and a little tiara in her curly hair. Before I knew it, the room was filled with friends.


The last guests left and I shut off the music. It's 2am. My hands ached from scratching songs and exchanging CDs all night. Kate ran up to me, hugging me.

'Thank you so much DJ! That was the best disco party ever! I know they are not gonna forget this party for AGES yet. All thanks to you! Everybody loved it!' She smiled.

'It's nothing dude. I just did the tunes. No big deal. But must admit it was so fun.' I say, flicking my hair and replacing my hat.

'I can't thank you enough. You are the best ever DJ, DJ!' Kate smiles so much.

'DJ's my name, DJ's my game.' I laugh.

'Like I always knew, that rocked hardcore parkour!' She clapped.

She really was still unaware I made that up. Should I tell her? I'm gonna give her a few hints. I switch my cap back to front and begin to unplug things. Kate glances at me, questioning something but she shakes it off.

'I have to go now, meet my parents out front when you are done. By the way, I hiring you for all my discos in future,' she praises.

'Glad you enjoyed it,' I say before saluting. That had to get her.

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