December 24th

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No one knows. I made sure of that. I don't want anyone to accidently spill the news to Trunks. I have been trying my best not to show the aboslute joy I have from knowing I'm carrying Trunks' child.

I wonder what they will look like. Will they get his lavender locms, or my raven hair? His naturally tan skin or my pale tone? His sapphire eyes, or my onyx ones? I'm curious. If they are anything like Trunks, then they are lucky.

Well today my dad told me that Gohan and his family would be coming over tomorrow, so it looks like I getvto break the news to everyone at once. That just makes things easier on me. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces.

Bulma asked me if I knew where a box of pregnancy tests went, to which I replied, I'm sure they will turn up. I'm getting better at this not lying, not telling all of the truth thing.

Trunks amd I spent the rest of the day watching television. There was some commercial about how some guy was supposed to be the hottest guy on the planet, and I got a little angry. How dare they make that accusation, and it not be aimed at Trunks.

I noticed him a little angry too, so I asked what was wrong. His reponse could've killed me if I were just a bit more faint of heart.

"You're obviously the hottest guy on this planet. Hell you're the hottest guy ever" Trunks said grabbing my hand.

"That's kind of why I was mad too. You are the most beaufiful man I have ever seen"

"Chibi, our kids are going to be so lucky"

"They will be if they take after you" I said looking toward the floor.

"Hey, we both have good genes. We both contribite to how our child comes out"

"I just hope he looks like you. That way, when you're away, I can be reminded of you" I said grabbing his hand.

"I was about to say the same thing. But, aren't we thinking about this a little too much. It's not like we are about to have one"

I almost said something, but instead just nodded. I was not about to spill the news of the century on a whim. My nod could be considered a lie, but I like to think of it as sarcasm in a way.

The rest of the day was spent with the rest of the residents of Capsule Corp. We all sat in the living room, watching old Christmas movies, eating popcorn, etc. I was snuggled up close to Trunks and couldn't have been happier at that moment.

I fell asleep I guess, because I suddenly found myself in Trunks' bed without most of my clothes on. I have to go before this light wakes Trunks up. Tomorrow is Christmas and I can't wait to see Trunks' face when he sees my gift.

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