December 22nd

115 3 0

We did it again last night. It was just as good as the first time. I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing Trunks' body. He is my prince, no matter what anyone says.

I was quiter last night, and Trunks noticed. But after I explained what my dad said, and after he stopped blushing like crazy, he agreed that me being quieter was probably for the best.

Trunks is making me feel like the luckiest person on the world. When I'm hungry, he goes and gets me dinner, when I'm bored, he tries his best to entertain me. He is treating me like royalty, even when I don't deserve it.

I have to find the perfect gift for Trunks. I can't think of anything to get that he doesn't already have. I can't quite be cheesy and give him my virginity now that he's already taken that.

Shopping for rich people sucks. It's like trying to give someone you just met a gift. It's hard to know what they don't have.

I even asked Bulma and Vegeta. I got totally different answers from both of them. I'll retell Bulma's advice.

"Hell Bulma, I need helo shopping for Trunks"

"He says he doesn't need anything other than you. I hear him say it all the time" she said with a smile.

"He hasn't dropped any hints as to what he wants?"

"He might have. But I don't know if it can be a Christmas present for him"

"What is it!?" I shouted.

"He wants a baby"

I looked at the ground. The thought of getting pregnant once again reared itself into my head. I don't know how to go about presenting that gift. I would need to take a pregnancy test, and keep it a secret from him until Christmas. The problem with that is that he would know something is up, even if it is 3 days away.

"Thanks Bulma" I said walking away.

Now it's time for Vegeta's conversation.

"Hey Vegeta, got a minute?"

"What is it baka?"

"I don't know if you're close to Trunks, but do you have an idea on a gift I can get him?"

"From the sounds of it, keep letting him pound you. You seem to be a really good lay with all the noise he makes"

I blushed again. So I am not solely the problem after all. Take that Trunks! But back to the topic at hand.

"Seriously, I need help"

"He needs a training partner. I am far past him, but he wants to train. While I would love to whip him into shape, it would do nothing for me. So there's that"

"Thank you Vegeta. That helps a lot"

"Hey" he said, stopping ne before I walked away.


"Thank you. Thanks for making Trunks so happy. I do want my kids to be strong, but I also want them happy. You make Trunks happy, so, thank you"


"Don't tell anyone I said that. I have to maintain an image"

I just laughed an walked off. I at least have two gift ideas. I need to buy some pregnancy tests, just in case.

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