December 10th

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Holy crap, she actually tried to take me home during school. She actually thought I would go with her. I shot down every single excuse she could come up with. This was essentially how it went.

"C'mon Goten, we have to get you to your appointment"

"I don't have one"

"Yes you do. I made it today"

"Really. What's the name of the office?" The Secretary asked.

"Uhhhh. Kami's Health Center" My mom was losing this, no doubt.

"That shut down years ago. I'm afraid he will stay in school today" the Secretary said matter-of-factly.

"Thank you" I said as I turned to walk away.

I heard ber trying to explain herself, but it wasn't working. The bell rang, so students were starting to come out of the classrooms, and I felt like some of them were looking at me weird.

I saw people whisper about me, which was new. I went up to one of the students who side glanced at me while whispering and asked what she was talking about and why it involved me.

"You would rather stay in school than go home? Wow, lame!" she yelled.

"Ya know what's lame? Assuming things about people without knowing the full story. Also thinking anything that dumb bimbo has to say is truthful is lame. Do you want to be known as "the girl with hallway crotch"?" I asked.

Her eyes grew wide realizing just who she was messing with. She apologized and went about her business. I'm so happy I'm above that slut of a cheerleader.

My bad mood was instantly cleared once I saw my prince. He looked worried and curious, and it took me a while to figure out why.

"Goten, why were you called out of class?"

"My mom is getting desperate. And I just heard that our "friend" is saying shit about me"

"God damnit. I will have one of the JV girls beat her down. They can get scrappy, so she'll learn her lesson" Trunks offered.

"No. I'm not going to drag you into this. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt. I love you" I said kissing him.

"I can say the same thing. The last thing I want is for you to be sad or miserable when something can be easily fixed" Trunks said and be kissed me back.

"If I want it over with. I'll tell you. But I think I can take her" I said smiling at him.

We walked back to Capsule Corp together and I realised my life was perfect. I had my best friend, also my boyfriend, my father, and friends who all love me. I couldn't be happier. Well, that was until I got to Capsule Corp.

We walked in the door and I saw my mom talking with my dad. She looked furious and he stayed calm. I'll never understand how he does it.

Trunks and I snuck upstairs while my dad kept my mom distracted. He saw us and we gave him a signal and he helped us out.

We just finished our homework and I am exhausted. High school really does take a lot out of you. Well, hopefully tomorrow I don't have to see my mother at all.

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