December 17th

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I've made my decision. And all it took was actually relying on eye witnesses. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

I had multiple people tell me that Trunks was basically mouth raped by her and while he was in shock from the initial kiss, she forcefully wrapped his arms around herself. Little does she know, she is about to be the big talk of the school, but not in the way she has always wanted.

I also have taken Trunks back since it wasn't his fault. He admitted to me that he did hurt himself and that hurt me. I expressed my thoughts about how I wasn't worth his sadness and pain. I wasn't worth the blood loss.

Trunks, being the romantic sap that he is, shut me up by making me unable to talk. He pressed his lips against mine with so much force that I couldn't talk, and the kiss started to hurt after a while. When we broke for air, I remembered why I loved kissing him the brief time we were together earlier. He is an amazing kisser!

Almost instantly after the kiss, Bulma also pulled me out of the room to talk to me. I was curious as to what she wanted to talk about, but then I remembered Gohan said she was working on something and my dad said she wanted my opinion on something as well.

"Goten, I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I've found a way to make men fertile"

"Wait, fertile as in......"

"Yes. It requires surgery, but you won't be out for more than a couple of hours"

"Bulma...... Is...... Is it safe? Does Trunks know?"

"Yes. I'm 100% sure it's safe. I wouldn't tell you about it otherwise. And yes, he knows"

I told her I was going to have to think about it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Trunks and I could have a kid of our own.

I walked back into the room and saw Trunks pacing the room. He looked scared, and my presence seemed to make it worse.

"Trunks, are you okay?"

"I..... I have something I want to ask you. But I'm afraid to"

"Trunks. You can ask me anything. I promise" I said calmly.

I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled. He returned my smile and seemed to calm down a little bit. After a bit of deep breathing and reassuring himself that he could do this, I got the shock of my life.

He dropped to one knee and pulled out a box that looked like it was from the most expensive jeweler in town. I couldn't speak. Words, hell, not even thoughts would form in my mind.

"Goten, will you marry me"

I couldn't say anything. I just dropped to my knees and pressed my lips against his. That should've been a good enough answer right?

Anyways, apparently he was going to propose to me the day I found him with prego. But, I'm glad I let Pan talk me into coming over here to talk things out and listening to Trunks and using some eyewitnesses.

I have to go now. Trunks has made me dinner and I have to go eat. I think tomorrow will be a day of excitement. If this tells you anything, I'm being called out if school.

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