"that's more like a threat!" She frowned.

"It is and you don't need to do anything to make me like you, I was already yours, even before I knew it myself." He hugged her.

"that means all that I've done up until now was a waste? I feel sorry for myself." She clicked her tongue. " Ah! I'm so tired... So warm...." She hugged him back.

"Teresa?" He called out to her. "Asleep already? Seriously, you never fail to surprise me!" He carried her and made her lie in the bed comfortably. He sat on the floor with his chin rested on his palm, looking at her lovingly.

"Does she even know she's already got me wrapped around her finger?" He murmured as he played with her hair.


"Ouch my head hurts as hell." Teresa muttered coming out of the washroom. She stopped on her way when she saw her husband holding a tray with food.

Ryouma's P.O.V

"What is this?" She frowned.

"Your breakfast." I replied with a smile.

"I have eyes, idiot. But why's it here? I am not that unwell, I can go down for breakfast." She retorted.

"yeah but I thought you'll be happy to have breakfast in bed." I placed the tray on the table at bed side, keeping my hands around her shoulders and walked her to the bed.

"Something happened? You hit your head somewhere, why are you so sweet, out of your character early in the morning?" She looked at me with confusion.

"I didn't hit my head or something but someone did try to stab me with a knife last night. What is so weird? Now can't I even prepare breakfast for my wife?" I raised my brows.

"Someone tried to stab you? You're okay?" She asked me with worry in her eyes.

"Wifey, that someone was you." I looked at her and raised my brows. "Wait, don't tell me you don't remember anything about last night?" I frowned.

"last night? I did something?" She tried to recall.

"Don't tell me..........."

"Oh last night? What happened? I remember nothing, absolutely nothing." She bit her nails and avoided looking me in the eye. Oh she remembered and she doesn't know how to lie at all. I thought and smiled.

"Look at me. Teresa, you just remembered right?" I lifted her chin until she met my eyes.

She then jumped into the bed and covered herself with the blanket. "Shut up I don't want to live anymore." She shouted.

"Teresa get the hell out of that thing." I tried to pull the blanket but she wouldn't let go.

"No!!! that wasn't me, the one last night here, wasn't me I swear!!" She denied.

"Teresa, get out of there right now." I tried to pull the blanket again.

"No, I'm embarrassed to death! You'll tease me my entire life now." She whined.

"Okay I won't. Come out now." I sighed.

"Promise?" She popped her head out of the blanket. She looked so cute, I kissed her on the lips.

"You jerk!" She shouted ducking her head back inside.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself, you looked so cute." I laughed.

"Sh...shut UP!" She shouted.

"Did you just blush?" I teased her more.

"I didn't." She denied.

"Come on wifey, don't be so cruel I want to see your cute blushing face. You can't do this to me." I pulled the blanket but she wouldn't let go at all.

"You're not coming out? And yesterday you were so bold enough to corner me. Ah what a waste, I even prepared you breakfast and I thought we would go on a date today, I was trying to be your ideal husband but seems that.."

"YOU READ MY DIARY??" She got out of the blanket and shouted.

"It was just by chance." I replied.

"You don't know, you're not suppose to touch other's personal diary?" She glared at me.

"But I'm your husband!" I pouted.

"AND SOON YOU'LL BE A DEAD HUSBAND! GIVE BACK MY DIARY!" She jumped out of the bed and started to chase me. "Teresa, no! You'll be a widow." I ran.

"Like I care, you're so dead today!" She came at me with her fist aimed at my face, but I pulled her hand and cornered her against the wall.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" She glared at me.

"Nothing, just looking at you." I replied tucking her hair behind her ears.

"....." She blushed bright red and I couldn't help but smile. There's nothing like seeing her face flush red, she's just so adorable.

"You're such a jerk!" She said lowering her eyes.

"Thank you for marrying this jerk." I closed the gap between us with a kiss.

Third person's P.O.V


"Why isn't Ryouma here yet?" Rihito asked Ryouma's secretary.

"He's on leave, sir." She replied.

"Okay." He nodded. "Teresa is also not here yet."

"Did Teresa actually break his head or something?" He thought placing his finger on his chin.



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