Chapter 29

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Okay, okay. I know you guys are probably wondering about why opening her eyes may have been the biggest mistake of her life.

So, here is your update, and I apologize for not updating sooner, but I was out the whole day, skiing and snow tubing, so I am REALLY tired right now....

But anyway, here you go!

Talia's POV---

My eyes were awoken to the world of the Mermaid's Lagoon. Everyone, Ariel, Tinker Bell, and the mermaids of the Mermaid's Lagoon were all staring at me. Tinker Bell smiled at me, and Ariel even managed a worried smile.

I didn't smile, I didn't feel.

I felt...... powerful.

I looked up. I saw people up there, staring down at the water.

How easy it would be to drown them....

I shot up, through the water, my arms outstreatched and held above my head. I burst from the water, and landed onto the flat gray rock on the edge of the Mermaid's Lagoon.

I lifted my tail from the surface of the lagoon, dripping water droplets onto the surface, creating ripples.

It was a fiery, orangey red color, with streaks, or scales, of gold that shot through the entire tail. I gazed at it admiringly.

"It's beautiful!" I turned my head, and saw the people I had seen before, the ones that had been gazing into the lagoon's surface.

One in particular interested me. A boy with brownish golden hair and intense green eyes. He seemed familiar....

Of course! Peter! Peter Pan! The boy, the teen, I loved dearly, with all my soul. I looked down at the lagoon. It was so beautiful down there. I had seen it with my own eyes. Maybe, I could share that beauty with him! I could show it to him, I could bring him with me!

I smiled at him. "It's gorgeous!" I gushed. Something told me he wouldn't come willingly.....

They came closer to me as I sat on the gray rock. Peter even went so far as to sit beside me, cradeling my hand in his.

Suddenly, the other two mermaids, Ariel and Tinker Bell's heads popped through the surface. "Talia! Don't!" Tinker Bell yelled. She same to the edge of the lagoon, and pulled herself up. Her tail immediately transformed into legs again. Ariel swam up beside me, and put a hand on my arm.

"Don't." She whispered.

Suddenly, three more heads poked up through the surface. People, or mermaids, I had never seen before.

One of them, clearly the leader, with long, navy blue hair, and a matching tail and eyes, swam forward and said, "Talia my dear, whatever is the problem? I can sense your intention, what you want." She said smoothly, almost seductively, really.

"You love this boy, don't you?" She nodded towards Peter. I nodded fervently. I felt Peter's grip tighten on my hand, and I looked over. He smiled at me.

"And you've seen the world below, haven't you?" She asks me gently.

"No, Talia, no! You have to listen!" Tinker Bell ran over, her legs still slightly wobbly, and started pulling on Peter's arm. "Get away from the edge you idiot!" She screeched at him.

Everyone looked so confused, except for the three mermaids, Ariel, Tinker Bell, and me.

"That is not the way to go Talia. Do not let them pollute your mind with their words." Ariel said, her brow knitting into a worried crease. The blue haired mermaid clucked her tongue. "Don't frown Ariel dear. You'll have wrinkles and grow old."

I wrinkled my nose. "Old?" I asked. The blue haired mermaid and the other two, a blonde and green haired mermaid nodded fervently. "Yes, old!" The blonde chirped.

"I, I don't want to be old." I said. I looked at Peter. "Do you?" He shook his head slowly, but his brow was creased in worry. I touched a finger to his brow. "Don't do that. They said you'll grow old." I returned my attention to the mermaids.

"You've seen the beauty down there, you've seen the way it looks. And you love it. You know it's beautiful. Don't you want to share that beauty?" I nodded fervently.

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed. The blue haired mermaid smiled sweetly. "Do you want to keep it all to yourself? I'd understand if you did...." I shook my head, just as hard as I nodded. "No, no! I want him to see it!" I squeaked the end out.

"Talia...." Peter started, but the blue haired mermaid talked over him.

"So, then why don't you take him down there and show him?"

"YES!!!" I squeaked.

I held Peter's hand tightly, and lunged into the water.

"TALIA!!!!" I heard yells and panicked screams behind me. I was pulled back, and looked questioningly behind me.

Peter was holding onto my hand, with Felix, Tiger Lily, and Tink holding onto his other arm. I looked at them, and frowned.

Why didn't they want Peter to see the beautiful place under the lagoon?

Then it dawned on me. I smiled at them. "You guys want to see it too, don't you?" I asked. I felt, sort of, odd.... But I was sure that I'd feel better once I was in the water with Peter.

"NO." I turned, and saw Ariel beside me. "Talia, you'll drown him." She said.

I looked at her, confused. "Drown him? No I won't. I'll just show him the beautiful place below, and then bring him right back up!" I quipped. She shook her head, "No Talia. He can't breath underwater like us. If you bring him down there, he'll die before you even get to bring him back up to the surface."

I was so confused. "No!" I screamed at her. "You're just being selfish! You just want to keep the beauty all to yourself, don't you?" I screamed. But she just calmly shook her head. "No Talia, you don't understand. When you first transform into a mermaid, the transformation messes with your mind. It is in this stage that you choose whether to fall under the path of the blood thirsty mermaids, or if you will the benevlent kind, like your mother."

My mother.

My mother.

Peter, drowing........

"Bu-but how can something so beautiful kill him?" I asked her quietly. The blue haired mermaid swam closer. "It can't!" She yelled.

Ariel lunged at her, and the two fell below the lagoon's waters. "Ariel!"

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