Chapter 5

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"Hello Talia." I stiffen, and turn slowly.

A girl, a few years older than me, with short, pixie like golden hair and fierce green eyes stands behind Peter and I. She wears a worn green tunic, and tight black leggings underneath. Worn, black leather boots fit comfotably on her feet.

I clutch the book in my hands, and walk slowly towards her. "Adriana?" I ask. "You're, you're alive?" I ask, my voice quivering, sounding fragile and thin, like the glass panes in the orphanage where we used to live.

She nods.

"It's really me Tali." She says, putting a hand on my shoulder. I open my mouth, but Peter butts in.

"What, you two KNOW each other?" Peter spins me around. "Adriana, what is going on?"

Peter Pan's POV-----

My hands grip her shoulders, hard. Her beautiful, silvery gray eyes are wide, and a strand of her shiny brown hair falls over her left eye. I wait for a response.

Finally, Adriana starts to speak. "I, I knew her. From the orphanage." She says softly. I've noticed that talking about, or thinking about, or anything that reminds her of, her past, scares her or causes her pain.

As much as I would hate that, I do need some answers. "Ok, sit down Tali." Adriana interupts. Adriana, or Talia, sits down. Tink, or Adriana sits down in the other seat, across from her. I put my palms on the table, and lean against the table. Adriana holds the book to her chest, and starts again.

"Ok, so ever since I could remember, I've been living in the British Orphanage for Girls since I was born. Adriana was there too. She's two years older than me, and we had been best friends ever since the time that we could actualy comprehend what the words meant." She said. "But then, when I was 11, that was when Adriana disappeared." Adriana, or Talia, whichever (I'll have to talk to her about that later,) "She was supposed to go out and steal food for the girls at the orphanage," Her eyes start to pool with tears. "But then, she never came back." A single tear slips down her cheek. "Why did you leave?" Adriana asks. "Why didn't you even say good bye?"

I turn to Tinker Bell, or Adriana.

You know what? I'm just going to call them what they told me to call them unless they tell me otherwise.

Her expression is blank, as if Adriana's emotion has no effect on her.

I have a new hatred for Tinker Bell....

"That night, I was coming back. Back to the orphanage, with food for the girls. But before I climbed up the wall, I heard someone behind me. It was a woman, with brown hair and a blue dress and wings."

"The Blue Fairy." I say. Tink looks at me, and nods. "Yes. The Blue Fairy. She told me what I really was, that I had fairy blood in me. At first, I didn't believe her. But she asked me to give her a chance to show me what I could do. She said she could take me away from that horrible place, and give me a home."

"A real home." Adriana breathed. Tink just nods, and continues.

"I wanted to bring you, but she said she couldn't. How could I say no?" I watched Adriana's expression carefully.

She narrowed her silvery gray eyes. "Did you ever try to come find me, come see me again?" Adriana asks. Tink nods her head vigorously. "Yes, I did. That's how I lost my wings. I tried to find you, and tried to see you again, tried to show you what I was, and why I left. I didn't want to leave you, not realy." Finally, some emotion from Tink!

Tears shine in her eyes as she waits for Adriana's response.

But Adriana just shakes her head. "I forgive you for leaving, but I don't think things can be the same again between us."

She sets the book down, and stands. She looks at me, and grabs my arm.

"Let's go." She says. I follow her to the hole in the bottom of the treehouse. I turn, once, and look at Tink.

She may be dangerous sometimes, but she was still a mutual friend of mine. I mouthed the words, I'm sorry Tink, before I left.

She just nodded, as Adrianna and I descended from her treehouse.

As soon as Adriana's feet touched the ground, she dashed away, south.
My heart dropped. Why south? Any direction but SOUTH!!! "Adriana!" I yelled, and dashed after her. I was pretty fast, but so was Adriana. Maybe all the running from, what did she call them? The 'police'? Anyway, running away from those 'police' people, must have helped her gain her speed.

"Adriana! Adriana, stop!" Over the south border, dangerous things lurked there. We were nearing the south border. I had to do something fast. I launched myself into the air with the little bit of pixie dust I had accidentally brushed by at Tink's house.
It didn't last long though, just long enough for me to gain a bit of a lead on Adriana. I just start to descend when the pixie dust gives out, and I start to fall.
I crash through branches until I hit the ground, hard.
I groan, I landed on a rock, and its creating a bruise near my spine.

I hear Adriana kneel beside me. "Oh my god, Peter, are you okay?" She asks, laying a hand on my chest. I groan again, and say, "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit banged up." I stand, and bend over backwards. I hear a crack, and yell a swear.

"Damn, that hurt." I say. "I'm not used to that..." I start to say. Adriana just stares at me. "Why did you do that?" She asks. "You were going to go over the Southern Border." I say simply, streatching out my damaged back.
"The south is dangerous," I continue. "It's where many untamed beasts and Mermaid's Lagoon are." I say. She cocks her head, her shiny brown hairfalling over one shoulder. "Mermaids? They're dangerous too?" I nod my head. "They drowned two Lost Boys, many sailors and beasts, and almost me once." He says.
That seems to shock her.

"What, you? I don't believe it!" She smirks at me."Yeah well, it was when I first came on the island...." I say.
That seems to have her even more confused. "Wait, you came here? You didn't just, I don't know, exist with the island?" I shake my head, and begin to explain....

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