Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! I hope that the timing of my updates is fine. School doesn't start for me until January 6, on Monday, so I have a day or so of freedom left.

Anyways, lets review. 


Peter's depressed.

This is going to be interesting. *bwahahahaha!!!!*

Felix's POV---

I find him standing on the streatch of sand on the west side of the island. I put a hand on his shoulder. He turns, and looks at me.

He looks so broken. "She's gone." He whispers numbly. "What?!" I ask. He looks me in the eye. "Hook to her on the Jolly Roger. And left." Suddenly, I hear a rustle behind me.

Princess Tiger Lily and Tinker Bell emerge from the brush. "Peter!" Tinker Bell says, and Tiger Lily follows behind him. "Our healer told us something was wrong." Tiger Lily said. "Something with you. Peter, what's wrong?" Tiger Lily lays a hand on his other shoulder.

Peter just stares at his open palm. 

In it, a white, pearly tear drop. I remember, the story Talia told me. About how her tears had created the blue cornflowers, and how this was the only tear that didn't grow anything. 

She gave it to Peter.

Peter doesn't say anything, just stares at the tear drop. I turn to Tiger Lily and Tink. "It's Hook. Hook took his daughter back." I say. Tiger Lily looks puzzled, but Tink just nods. "Talia." She says. Tiger Lily's eyes widen. Then a look of understanding falls over her. "He took Talia, and left Peter broken." She says. I nod. "For revenge." Tink finishes I nod. 

Peter still hasn't moved. Suddenly, he looks up. "Tink. Tiger Lily." He croaks. "Has anyone, over the past 3 years, come to this island?" He asks, forming a fist around the white pearly tear. 

"Well," Tink says. "There was Nibs, Talia, and the Indian's healer." Peter and I look at Tiger Lily quickly. "You mean, you have a non native healer?" I ask. She nods. "The old healer had a prophecy long ago. She said the Ranger was destined to be the Healer, and had to bring the pure of heart to Neverland." 

I doesn't make sense to me, but Peter is already charging into the forest. "I have to see this Healer!" He yells. Tink, Tiger Lily, and I exchange glances. We run after Peter.

We reach the Indian's camp just as we see Peter charge into the Healer's Hut. "PETER PAN!" Tiger Lily yells in horror. We run over, and are about to pull Peter out when we hear a soft voice say, "Peter Pan. It took you long enough to realize you were supposed to come here. Princess, bring your friends in as well, if you don't mind."

I look quizzically at Tiger Lily, but she lets us in with a sigh. Tink nudges me in the shoulder. I look over at her, as she sits on a woven rug. I sit hesitantly. The indian's healer is almost holy to them. It is a surprise to have a foreignor become one.

"You were Ranger before you were the Healer, weren't you? In the other world that Talia comes from?" Peter asks, clenching the hand with the tear in it. The healer, her back to us, is mixing together herbs and spices when we came in. But now she turns, and I get a good glimpse of her in the light.

She has curly blonde hair, and she wears a thin, tan tunic, much like the one that Tiger Lily wears, except she has green leaves pleated into the hem. She has penetrating, clear blue eyes. "Yes. I told Hunter that if I ever made a life for myself, I'd find a way to bring her there with me. I had discovered early on that Adriana, or Tink, was here too. The lost seem to find their way here eventually. And Hunter was so lost when I knew her." Peter stops her. "Hunter?" 

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