Chapter 20

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Peter's POV---

Oh no. I can tell why Talia didn't want to accept that the Benevolent Caster was her mother.

Because it would mean she would have to accept that even her own mother had abandoned her.

How much more of this could this girl take?

I promise now to you Talia, this is my silent vow to you.

I will never abandon you, I will be one of the people in your life that stay, I promise you that. 

I heard at least 50% of the people in my tent gasp. Talia bit her lip harder, and looked away. Ariel got up, and sat down beside Talia gently. "I can try running an energy test." She said. "I'll need your hand." Talia still didn't look back to us, but instead gave Ariel her hand. Ariel closed her eyes, running her glowing hand over Talia's hand. After a moment, she pulled away, smiling at Talia sympathetically. Talia just looked at her. "It just proves your theory even more, doesn't it?" Talia asked quietly. 

Ariel just nods. Talia got up, and walked out of the tent.

Talia's POV---

Everyone in my life has abandoned me.

My father.


Ranger (a.k.a, Calypso)

My mother.

I feel so unwanted. When I was in the orphanage, no one wanted me. 

No cares, no one wants me. I walked across the Lost Boys campsite. I didn't care if they saw me or not. "Talia!" I heard a voice behind me say. I knew, from the somewhat arrogant way he talks, and the faint british accent in his voice, that it was Peter. I spin around, and come face to face with Peter Pan. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come on," He says, pulling me slowly out of the camp. I follow him wordlessly.  

 He leads me down a path in the forest, and I follow him wordlessly and without struggle. Somewhere along the line, I have come to trust Peter. 

Suddenly, we're standing beside a field filled with tall grasses and yellow and purple flowers. "Look over there." Peter says, pointingto the north of the field. Over there, and only there, are several blue flowers.  

 Peter leads me over there. We sit in the middle of the little circle of blue flowers. He stares at me.

 "Do you remember the last time you were here?" He asks me. 

 I close my eyes, and put my hand down to the earth. My hand grazes against the edge of a stem. I open my eyes, and see the blue flowers.

Blue flowers....

Blue cornflowers....

"They're, they're like-"

"The blue cornflowers that used to grow by your old hideout." I look up at Peter, surprised. "In your old world." He whispers. I look at him curiously. "Did, did I tell you that? Before?" He just nods.

"Do you remember what happened while we were here?" 

"Yes." I say. The memory is still fuzzy, but I remember. Peter takes my hand, and places it in his lap. He looks at me while I try to remember.

This is where I told him Hook was my father, where I ran when I realized that it was so. 

"This is where I went when I found out that Hook was my father." I say quietly, staring at a cornflower by my knee. "And these cornflowers grew, out of my.... tears." I say, struggling to remember the memory. Peter nods. He reaches into his pocket, and pulls something out. It's concealed inside of his fist. 

Confessions of a Lost Girl (Peter Pan fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora