Chapter 11

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My first update for 2014!! A lot of action in this chapter. Have fun!

Peter's POV---
I hate this. I don't like it, not one bit. I know Ashton and Nibs don't like it either. Talia is like Nibs' older sister, and I'm pretty sure I've caught Ash looking at her a moment too long.

Which is fine for now, and only, because he'll be willing to fight to keep her safe.
After, I'll give a clear warning to back off, or my name isn't Peter Pan.

The gangplank serves as a ramp, and I walk up first, then Talia, Nibs and Ashton behind.

Hook, his first hand, Smee, and two other pirates stand on the deck, waiting for us.

I've heard what the stories about Neverland have said, according to Talia, and know how they portray Smee as an old, fat man with spectacles and a red cap.

Gisabell Smee is a tall, female pirate, with short dark hair, and gold hoop earrings. She almost always wears tight black pants, short leather boots, and worn, loose black blouse.

She has a leather belt, holding two pistols, and two daggers. She has a sheath running on a leather strap from one shoulder to the next. This is where her blood stained cutlass lies sheathed till battle calls.

She is the closest thing to a wife or girlfriend Hook has ever had.

She is NOT fat, old, or a man.

Hilarious, how they portray us in Talia's old world.....

Hook flashes a menacing smile at me. "Ah, Peter Pan. We met again, boy." He turns his gaze to Talia. "And this must be Talia!" He looks her up and down. It's sends shivers through me. Before I can say anything Talia glares at him and says, "Hey, buddy. Up here, ok?" She snapped her fingers in front of her face, drawing Hook's gaze up to her.

My jaw went slack. Did she just give attitude to Captain Hook? Damn, this girl was something else, wasn't she?

Hook just laughed. "Oh Talia. So much like your mother..." He trailed off, waiting for Talia to become interested.

Talia's POV---
I tried to compose myself. I covered my shock by rolling my eyes. "She's dead." I say simply. But I have to wonder.....
How does he know my mother?
Or maybe he doesn't, he could have easily said that, since, sadly, I don't even remember my own mother.
Just that idiot I know as my father.

Hook smirks at me. "But you see dear, I do know her, very well, in fact." I scoff.

"Don't pretend to have known my mother, when you obviously do NOT." I spit back.
But he just laughs, which is a terrible sound, by the way. It will probably be in my nightmares somewhere......

He stops laughing, and wipes a tear from his eye. Peter steps forward, and puts a hand on my shoulder. "What did you want, Hook?" He asks tersly. Hook just smiles evily.  

He turns to me, and says lowly, "For her to remember." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Remember? I sincerly hope I have NEVER seen you before." I spit. But Hook just smirks.

"You don't remember me, Talia?" I shake my head. "And I also don't believe that I've seen you before." I say hotily, but I know I'm lying.

The moment I stepped on this ship, something about him seemed so....


I feel as if I HAVE seen him before, I'm almost 100% positive...

He smirks again, something entirely different from Peter's smirks. "But you're starting to remember, aren't you? Something just seems so, familiar, about me, hmm, Tali Bear?"

My eyes widen.

No one ever called me Tali Bear except......

"No," I whisper, my heart filled with dread. "No, no, no, no, NO!" "It can't be...." I trail off, my mind sifting through memories. But there he is, I can clearly see his face now, towering over me.

Hook has DEFINITLY been in my past.

I can't stay here, now that I know who he is. 

I have to get off this ship. I turn to run, but something stops me. "Now, don't go running off, now that you know who I am. I have something to ask of you, before you go."

I turn slowly, swallowing as I meet his cruel, gray eyes.

He smiles at me, maybe trying to put me at ease, but it just makes me stand even more rigid than before. "You can join us, my crew. You can sail the seas with us. We'll be family." 

I pull away. Running right into Peter, who wraps his arms around me. "If you think," I say slowly, hopefully menacingly, "That I would join YOU, you're wrong." I spit. "You had your chance before, but you left me. You left me, and didn't care. And now, now that I'm OLDER, you want me NOW?" 

I'm shaking with anger, and it's true, absolutely pure fury I feel when I spit,

"As long as I remember you, and what you did, I will NEVER join you." 

But it's too much. I can't look at anyone's face. I can't look at Peter's or Ashton's or Nibs' questioning looks, or Hook's face.

I can't look at them, I can't take it.

So I run.

Peter's POV---

I didn't know how they know each other, but it was definitly NOT a good experience for Talia.

She bolts off the Jolly Roger, and runs into the forest. "Talia!" I yell. I turn and glare at Hook, and start to run after her. "Nibs! Ashton! Go back to camp!" I don't bother to look whether they obey me or not.

I just need to go after her.

Hook's POV---

I sigh. I didn't expect her to accept me right away. I snap my head up, and glare at my crew "What are you staring at? Get back to work!" They all rush off, except for Gisabell Smee. 

She smiles at me, her beautiful black hair blowing back. "It's alright Cap'n. She'll come 'round, I'm sure you'll find a way." She walks off, and I stare after her a moment.

"Oh I will find a way." I mutter under my breath, digging my nails and hook into the wood banister.

"I will crush Peter Pan, and get my daughter back."


This is the plot twist I was talking about!!! Oh my gosh, how will Peter react? What will Hook do to get Talia back, and how will it involve crushing Peter?

Well, if Talia goes with Hook, it will most definitly crush Peter, but how will Hook get Talia to join him?

*evil laughter* *coughing hard*

Ok yeah, I'm not very good at evil laughter. 

It hurts my throat. Anyways,


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I really appreciate all of the nice compliments too! 

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