Chapter 32

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My story isn't really dependant on the OUAT version of things. So, in my story, Snow and Charming are in their late forties, they have two children, Prince Burton and Princess Eliza. 

Regina blames Snow for Daniel's death (her lover from OUAT was killed by Cora, Regina's mother, when Snow told her they were running away together), and wants to rip her away from her husband and children.

Although, the difference is that Snow and Regina were best friends, and not having a mother of her own, Snow only wanted the bond between Regina and Cora to be reserved, so she told Cora of Regina and Daniel's plan to run away, resulting in Daniel's untimely death. 

Snow and Charming do NOT have a daughter named Emma, so all the stuff about the Savior, Pan taking Henry's heart, Pan dying, etc. etc, do not exist in my book.

Just wanted to clear that up.


If you have already written an ending with characters with Emma, Henry, etc etc, ITS OKAY!!!! I won't take points off for that, I am grading your entries by how good they are. I kind of updated late, and I'm sorry about that, so this chapter may render some of the info in your one shots inaccurate.


Third Person POV---

They landed on their backs in the middle of the Enchanted Forest, near the Charmings' sparkling white castle.

Peter and Talia are still holding hands, laughing. Talia sits up. "Where are we?" She asks, slipping the golden chain with the compass at the end over her head and it comes to rest on her neck.

Peter grins. "In the Enchanted Forest." 

They find a near by village, and enter an old book store. Inside, a wizzened old man sits in a chair, reading a book.

Talia approaches him. "Sir?" she asks him politely. The old man, a Mr. Collier, looks up and sees the lovely young woman. He willingly closes his book and makes an effort to smile.

"What can I do for you, young lady?" He asks. "Do you have any spell books, any healers books?" She asks politely. 

Mr. Collier's face blanches, but he leads her to a small bookshelf where all the spell books are kept.

Talia's POV---

I can tell my question unsettled the old man quite a bit, but I sit, cross legged, in front of the two shelf high bookcase. I search the tittles, and find three books

The Art of Healing.

Deadliest posions, and their Remedies. 

 A Healer's Guide.

 I picked them up, and walked over to Peter when the door of the bookshop banged open. There, standing in the doorway, was the old man and three guards. I looked at Peter, an eyebrow raised. 

"You two! You're coming with us. Bring the books too." I looked at Peter. "What's this about?" He asked. A guard grabbed my arm roughly. "All talking will be with the King and Queen."  

 I looked over at Peter. The one guard held my arm, while the other two had a tight grip on Peter's arms. He looked at me. I just shrugged. "Why not?" I replied. He rolled his eyes, but didn't resist.

 I grinned. 

I was going to meet the King and Queen of the Enchanted Forest.


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