Chapter 12

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Ok, lets review from the previous chapter.......


Really, that's all you need to know to comprehend this chapter.

Do you comprehend this information? You may be in intense shock. If so, please take a deep breath, hold the air, then exhale. Continue until breathing has returned to normal.

Ok, you may proceed. 

Peter's POV----

Talia runs through the forest, in no particular direction, I can tell. She doesn't stick to the path, instead forges her own. I worry she'll hurt herself, or Hook might still try to take her.

How do they know each other?

I need to know, but prying the truth from Talia might hurt her even more. Though I very impatient, I'll have to be patient, wait for Talia to tell me herself.

All the same, I want to calm her down, want to hold her while she cries, so that she never, EVER, thinks no one cares about her.

Ever since she said that, I always wanted her to know that I cared about her, that ALL the Lost Boys cared about her (she and Felix were on okay terms now...)  

Finally, the path, her footprints, end. I stand in a grassy meadow, with yellow and purple flowers. The grass is tall. I remember this place.

It's where the deer come to mate. Sometimes, the boys will come to hunt them here. She's sitting in the middle, beside some blue flowers I've never seen in this field before.

She's crying into her hands, streaks of moisture race down her arms and fall to the ground.

And the sound breaks my heart 

I approach slowly, and sit down quietly beside her. I wrap my arms around her. She's sitting on her knees, and bent over, her elbows on her knees. I hug her, and pull her to me. She wraps her arms around my torso, and cries into my neck. 

I put my chin lightly on her head, and stroke her hair.

Third Person POV---

Peter and Talia sit in the meadow. 

Talia's tears, the ones that hit the ground, start to glow.

At first, they don't notice. But Peter does, eventually. He pulls away from her slowly, and points to the tears that glow.

They glow, like the gold in their cave. From the tears, blue flowers twist and grow, their arms reaching for the sun, growing from Talia's pure tears. 

"Cornflowers." Talia says, sniffing. 

"Like the ones that used to grow by my hideout." Peter looks at her expectantly. 

"My hideout, where I'd go to sleep in my old world. When the police weren't looking for me, I would sleep there. It was a tree house, in the middle of a large wood. There was a meadow, like this one, and these blue flowers, cornflowers, grew everywhere." She laughed lightly. "They're so beautiful."

Peter puts two fingers under her chin, and lifts it up so that she looks straight into his eyes. "You're beautiful Tali. Don't cry, tell me what's wrong." He says softly.

Talia's POV---

I want to tell him, but he'll hate me. "You'll hate me if I tell you." I whisper. He shakes his head. "Never. I can't hate you Talia." His voice is so sincere, and his smile makes me...

Well, melt inside.

I'm no girly girl, no, I hope I've proved that already, but this boy was different.

Confessions of a Lost Girl (Peter Pan fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant