His face is only centimeters away from mine yet he's screaming if I was miles away.

"Shut the fuck up!"

I find the strength the somehow push him off of me and slam him against the locker that his back is to. I'm not going to let him act like the victim here.

"No you listen to me."

I say in a calm but furious tone as I slam him against the locker one last time. His hair is no longer up but fringes of it are dangling on his sweaty forehead.

"Don't try to act like the victim here Harry. You know damn well what you told me that day. You told me to get lost, delete your number and forget about you and that's what I did. I liked you Harry but things change and people change and that's what I'm doing, changing. Why are you here? Slamming me against my own locker? Oh wait it's not mine is it? It's Sam's, Sam this Sam that, everything is about Sam isn't it? That's why you lashed out at me that day, not because I liked you but because you didn't want me to find out about Sam while we were 'friends'. How long were you planning to keep this from me? What, did you lead me on the whole time? I'm not Sam and I will I never be! Yes we look alike but that's the only reason why you started talking to me isn't it?

I press. I'm out of breath once I finish. His eyes are wide and glossy, the look on his face is almost as if he's frightened.

He pushes me back and stands up right.

"Let's talk about this somewhere else."

His voice cracks. He looks desperate and I feed into his plead.

He starts walking to the back doors of the building and exit to where his car is at. We get into his car and drive away.

Harry ends up pulling into a dark alley in the middle of town.

*Harry's POV*

"Get out."

I say in a calm tone as I step out of the car and go deeper inside the dark alley. It wasn't my intention to bring him here exactly but I can't hold it in anymore. I turn back to face him when he steps out of the car.

"Louis, I'm not trying to be the victim here. I'm sorry that you found out about Sam and I didn't want it to be that way. I'm so tired of always bringing Sam into all of this. The day that I lashed out at you I wasn't thinking straight. I wasn't sure I would be able to tell you about Sam myself so that's why I did what I did. When it comes to expressing myself it doesn't come out the way I want it to. I felt guilty after I told you all that bullshit in the cafeteria and seeing you cry only made that guilt worse. I spent that whole day thinking on how to apologize to you and I was about to the day after but I saw you with Lily. Now before we even talk about her I want to tell you how I really feel about you."

I take a deep breath before I say anything.

"Harry, Lily-"

Louis starts to speak but I stop him.

"Just listen to me please."

I'm begging at this point. He nods his head and I begin.

"The reason why I didn't want to get so close to you was because my mum warned me not to. When she saw you she thought she knew what my intentions were but she was wrong. She thinks that I have feelings for Sam but I don't. I like you for you Louis not because you look like Sam, hell no. If anything you're nothing like him. He had tattoo's, you don't. He was a lot more controlling and you're not. He didn't have a heart but you do. But enough of Sam. Remember when you asked out Lily? If I wouldn't have seen you with her for at least one more second I would have sent the fucking text that expressed how I felt about you. But I didn't once I saw you with her. I fucking like you Louis why can't you see that. You've made me miserable these past two weeks. Couldn't you tell? I just showered last night for the first time since we stopped talking. I've been a pothead since. Look I know you like Lily and I wished I would have told you sooner. When I saw you kiss her, something came over me. I know I fucked up things and I'm sorry for that. Just give me one chance."

My cheeks are wet once I finish with what I have to say to Louis. I step closer to him and his eyes start to water. I didn't mean to make him cry?

"Don't cry please."

I beg. He laughs and takes a step closer and begins to speak.

"Harry, I don't like Lily nor have I ever. I like you, I never stopped liking you. I used Lily to try to get this out of you. I know it's fucked up to do that but I needed to find a way for you to open up to me and I'm sorry for that. Trust me Harry I really do li-"

"Prove it."

He's taken back by my words.


His eyes widen.

"Prove it. Prove that you like me and you don't feel pity for me and that you don't have feelings for Lily."

He's still shocked by my words but takes a step closer. I step back until my back is against the cold hard wall.

"I will."

He says, his face only an inch from mine. For once I'm not the one in control, he is.

He grabs a fist of my shirt and pulls me to him. Is he about to do what I think he is? I stand corrected when he crashes his lips against mine. I can feel him smiling when he has to stand on my feet to reach up to me. He steps back and leaves me panting for air. His lips are swollen red by the event. His cheeks are flushed and I can feel mine start to as well.

He paces back and forth, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"So where do we go from here?"

He says.

"I don't know?"

I answer. I honestly don't know. Where we're going to go from here?

{Please vote and comment:) <3 This is where it all begins. Smut, lies, tears, everything. I changed the cover on the story, that way you have an idea of what the characters look like. I tweeted a picture on my twitter of how Sam looks like so check it out. Thanks for reading❤️ }

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