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The music above is the Mirai Nikki/Future Diary battle background music (or "ost"). It's very empowering, I recommend listening to it even if you haven't watched the anime. Trust me, it's so inspiring. Listen to the whole thing.

"Dammit," I curse under my breath. Irene, I left my bow back at the guesthouse.

"Miss Cassie..." Shirley begins. She's noticed Ivy's Jury of Nine uniform and my uneasiness. "Is she..."

"Yes," I mumble quietly. "Look. I want you to run to the village. Find the guesthouse. It's unlocked. Run far and fast."

Luckily, Shirley does exactly what I say. She doesn't even look back.

I turn to Ivy and see a glint of malice in her turquoise eyes. "What do you want?!"

"Nothing much," she says, trailing her finger along the edge of the scythe. "You got in the Jury of Nine by sweet-talking the High Priest. I still will never understand how he was wooed by a girl of your..." She pauses, eyeing me up. "looks. However, I suppose some slutty stories are best left undercover. You'd know that better than anyone, wouldn't you?"

My fists clench. "I didn't do anything special to get where I am!"

Her eyes blaze. "There's no other way you could've gotten in. Face it, Lady Cassie. You're shit with a bow, you've got zero people skills. You might as well have been raised in the secluded forest!"

"Leave me alone," I hiss. I don't want whispers of the past to interfere with this battle.

"Right after I see this scythe go through your heart!" she screeches.

She might have already won, I can't bring this to the village because that would be a hostage opportunity. She'd definitely stoop that low to see me dead.

I dodge the blade, but she lunges towards me with her blade pulled back. I dodge, but it penetrates deeply in my cheek, drawing blood. That will probably leave a battle scar.

I've got not choice but to keep dodging her swings. I'm unarmed, less than helpless. I can't recall any of my spells, except the one to break a forcefield, which is useless because there is no forcefield.

"Stop dodging!" Ivy growls. "You'd have no chance, even with that bow! Give up!"

I can't give up. Matthew would tell me to live. I need to live for Jasper. Hyria, too.

She swings the scythe at my neck, but I wrap my fingers around the handle, stopping it.

"Damn," she curses. "Oh well. I still have the upper hand~."

She pushes harder on the weapon, forcing it closer to my throat. I can't hold her scythe forever.

So, I let go of the wooden handle, dodge the blade, and punch her in the face.

I see the shock form in her eyes as she recoils from the blow. She wasn't expecting that. The best part is that her confidence level has depleted greatly.

"You bitch," I hiss. "Just leave me alone."

I turn my back to her, and just as I intended, she hurls a knife at me. It slices through my shoulder blade and thunks in a log. I smirk and rush for the weapon.

Now I'm armed. It might not be the most dangerous weapon, but it'll do.

Let's end this, Ivy.

I feel light as a feather, my feet are flying through the trees. Lady Cassie is probably dying as I flee.

Why do I seem to care about her? Her leader killed my family and village.

The Ro'meave Sister [MCD Fanfic] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now