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I knew Hyria wasn't my birthmother from the moment I turned six.

Hyria had never told me of my birthparents, but also never fully speculated that I had birthparents. She'd tried to raise me surrounded by witchcraft and magicks, but nothing seemed to click. I memorized some of the important spells, like summoning a familiar or staff or something, but the minor spells came and went. I was more drawn to archery. Whenever Hyria wasn't home, probably out patrolling her forest, I would run out to my favorite clearing, kind of close to the O'khasian kingdom, and shoot arrows at a target for hours upon end.

Hyria definatly knew, but she never said anything, nor 'caught' me.

My name is Cassandra, but only Hyria gets to call me that. I go by Cassie to the familiars and any merchant who got lost in the Sacred Forest.
Thump. Another arrow, in the middle of the target. Thump. One more.

Bored, I climb a tree up to the top to see the view. I can feel the tree's annoyance (Hyria taught me how) but I simply tell the tree to suck it up and deal. I see the walls of O'khasis, the city I've longed to visit since I was five. I want to be in the walls, under the protection of the O'khasian guards—only the finest in the land—and just walk around. Hyria's told me about a 'Jury of Nine,' an elite guard force for the protection of the lord. I've always wanted to join, put my bow skills to work, but Hyria won't let me leave the forest.

"Cassandra! You know trees hate it when you climb them!" I feel a pulling, and see Hyria is using magick to telekinetically pull me down.

"Put me down!" I screech. "Quit using witchcraft on me! It feels awkward."

"Quit giving me a reason to use witchcraft on you, and I'll consider it," Hyria retorts. "Why do you keep going up there? Is it O'khasis?"

"Yes!" I say. "I want to join the Jury! Use my bow skills!"

Hyria gasps. "You don't want to join the Jury, Cassandra, dear! Besides, if you payed attention when I taught you spells, you wouldn't need that useless hunk of wood anyway."

"Hyria!" I say. "Maybe witchcrafts aren't for me."

Hyria freezes. "Go to your room."



"Hyr—" I stop, realizing it's useless and give my adoptive mother an icy glare. "Fine."
My window's open, and I'm contemplating leaping from it and making a mad dash out of the godforsaken forest for O'khasis.

Living on the run wouldn't be so bad, I think. Join the Jury of Nine and have a reason to stay in O'khasis when Hyria finally finds me.

"Cassandra. Come out now." I hear Hyria's voice on the other side of my room.

"I'm not taking back what I said earlier. Witchcrafts aren't my thing. Combat is," I hiss.

Hyria sucks in a breath. "I know. I need to say good bye."

"Good bye? What?" I ask, confused.

"Tensions between the Tu'la king and the villages of Ru'aun are high. I need to go to Tu'la on business," Hyria says. She does this sometimes. However, she leaves familiars and forcefields in her wake, so there's no trying to leave the forest for me.

"Will—will you be ok?" I ask. I may be angry at her now, but she's still my mother.

"Yes dear. I always am. Now say good bye to this old witch," Hyria jokes.

I walk out of my room and give her a reluctant hug. "Bye, Hyria. Be safe."

"I will. I always am, dear." Hyria gives me on last hug and walks down the window.


Maybe, just maybe, I can break Hyria's forcefields. She never puts strong ones in because she knows I'm not great at witchcraft and I've never actually tried to leave the home.

Once I see Hyria is finally gone, I race to her room and flip through hundreds of spells, potions, curses, and witchcrafts that I can't even begin to imagine. Forcefields, forcefields... I wonder if Hyria actually wrote a 'breaking barriers' section in her witchcraft book.

"Yes!" I yell a little too loudly. I don't care, because I've found a page entitled, Breaking Forcefields. I skim through the spell. "This is perfect!" I exclaim happily. The spell's not too long and I can pronounce most of it, so I rush outside, sneaking past Hyria's familiars, and chant the spell as I touch the purple-tinged barrier.

"Gaudete in carcere, liberavit me, habet me ab hoc in carcerem." The barrier glows a brilliant bright purple, I have to shield my eyes. I'm hoping this works because I hear the familiars running after me. Then the forcefield shatters.

I whoop in joy, and sprint out, casting a quick, temporary freezing spell on the familiars (I said I knew some basic spells!) Before I leave, I stuff Hyria's spell book in my backpack and run in the direction of O'khasis.
Since I've lived in the Sacred Forest all my life, I know how to get around, and before long, I'm at the gates of O'khasis. The only thing standing between me and freedom and massive stone walls and a few O'khasian guards.

"State your business, ma'am," one of the guards says roughly.

"Just passing through," I respond, unfazed. I've been practicing for this all my life, so I know what do say.


"Cassie De'anglo." (That's not my real surname, Hyria never told me my real one.)

"Permission to check your bag?" the other guard asks.

"...P-permission granted," I say. If the find the spells book, I hope they don't confiscate it. They probably won't confiscate my bow because I'm holding it in my hand and my arrow is slung over my back. Who said I couldn't enchant my arrows with what little magicks I know?

The guards hastily check me bag. "Clear," the first guard says. "Welcome to O'khasis."

Ok so this is my first full-length chapter. Word count: 999 (...) also, please comment and say how I'm doing with this book! Id love to hear from y'all!! also, drop a follow and vote by both my fanfics, plz!!

if anyone can translate cassie's spell from latin, you get an internet hug. huge your phone/tablet/laptop, thats me hugging you!!

vylad (not)

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