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∞ Jasper ∞

The news sinks in like a knife.


Leagues away from the girl I've fallen in love with.

Oh my Irene.

Thoughts are racing through my head. Is there a mistake? Why am I leaving her side? She could be killed by Ivy if I don't protect her!

After Chester dismisses us, Cassie brings me outside and she sits down on a bench, motioning for me to sit down with her.

"I know what you're thinking, Jasper," Cassie says sternly, "and I'm not a damsel in distress. I can protect myself, you know. And I know you can protect yourself."

"That won't stop me from worrying," I say, right as she finishes.

"I bet it won't, but I know you'll survive Tu'la. You're one of the best fighters in the region." Her face softens. "We will both see each other again."

My fingers graze her's. "Okay."


Jasper's face is solemn and emotionless. I hope he's not holding in tears.

"Want to take a walk?" I ask after the awkward silence. "Aren't we leaving tomorrow?"

Jasper nods. "F-from what I heard."

"Then let's go." Swallowing my pride, I take his hand in mine, brightening up his face a little.
The streets are crowded, but people make way as they see us. Nobody seems to want to acknowledge any of Zane's puppets, I guess.

Obviously, our hands have parted, and I feel like picking up some lunch from the tavern at the end of the road.

"Jasper," I say, "where are we going?"

He glances around, his eyes searching for any citizens. He grabs my hand. "Trust me, Cassie."

We run through the forest, my feet pounding on the trail. Where are we going?

Jasper clutches my hand a little tighter and pushes away some bramble.

"Oh... my... Irene..." I stutter, upon seeing an elaborate picnic set up, with some candles and all.

"You did all of this for me?!" I shriek, pouncing on top of him.

He blushes and gives a happy grin. "Do you like it~?"

"Thank you... so much. This means a lot. I never thought someone would go through this much trouble for me."

He grips my cheek and kisses me. For once, I kiss back. I'm so grateful to have him in my life, even if I don't nearly love him as much as he claims to love me.

"Cassie," he whispers, his breath hot on my face, "are you ready?"

My woman instincts kick in, and I slap him hard across the face.

"Ow!" He rubs the red spot on his face. "What the—oh! N-no!" Jasper turns red. "Not that! I meant are you ready to have lunch!"

"O-oh... hehe~ sorry! I thought something else... sure I guess!" I blush furiously.

He sits down, still rubbing the red spot on his face.

"Sorry! I didn't mean..."

Jasper grins happily. "I guess I should say I'm glad... you're not going to give in that easily, heh."

I sit cross-legged on the blanket and open the basket. There's a delicious-looking loaf of bread. I love bread. (A/n: same cassie)

Jasper twiddles his thumbs awkwardly. "Would this be our first official date?" I notice he hasn't touched his sandwich.

I shrug. "I gueth, if you want it twwo beh," I say with a mouthful of bread.

Jasper laughs. "Okay than."

The 'date' is filled with mindless talk, none of which really matters.

"Hey, Cassie?" Jasper's face turns solemn. "Promise me you'll live?"


"I mean," Jasper fixates his eyes on his hands. "I want to see you again. Please, live."

I take a breath. "Okay."

I'M BACK~ Sorry for the short update, I've been a little out of it lately. Also, it's my birthday. Hehe~

Anyways, I've got an anime/manga recommendation book in the works, so if you want to get into anime and/or manga (and why wouldn't you?), or just find a new anime to watch or manga to read, check it out!

Until next time!


The Ro'meave Sister [MCD Fanfic] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now