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*Read Chad's parts with that Sassy Chad voice XD*

"No!" Azlynn protests. "They couldn't have erased his memory! That's not possible!"

"Yes it is," I say. "Chad's not Chad anymore."

"Shut up!" Azlynn growls. "He's still there, I know it!"

"No, he's not," I say.

"He is, I know it! Chad! Chad, say something!" Azlynn screams, shaking the old man.

"Who are you, lovely madam?" Chad asks. He wiggles his bushy eyebrows.

"I'm Azlynn, goddammit!"

"Mm... do I know you?" Chad asks. He sits upright. "What about you?" he asks, pointing to me. "And you three men? Who are you?"

"Oh my Irene." Azlynn's hand rests on her blade. "You're right."

"Well!" Chad says. He stands up and dusts his trenchcoat. "I best be on my way! Nice to meet you ladies! And men!"

"Chad, wait!" Azlynn says. "Do you have any idea where you're going?"

"Not in the slightest, good madam! But I'll just wander the forest until I come across what I'm looking for!" Chad grins. "Good day!"

"Wait..." Azlynn begins, but her efforts are in vain. Chad's already walking merrily about the forest, whistling a joyful tune to himself.

"I'm sorry, m'lady," Matthew says. He puts a hand on Azlynn's shoulder.

She touches it, and gives my head guard a weak smile.

"Yes," says Isaiah. "This is mostly the fault of Drew and me. If we'd not decided to go on a patrol on the outsides of the gates, this never would've happened."

"It's fine." Azlynn takes a breath. "Just—my father died in battle. My mother during childbirth. Chad was always a parent-like figure to me. He was my father, in a way."

"Oh, Azlynn," I say. "I'm sorry."

"We should start going back," she says, standing up straighter. "I wish I could just forget this whole thing happened. We need to go back to Falconclaw."

"Miss Azlynn has a point," Matthew says, always so formal. "We must relay the information of Chad's, um, how should I say this..."

"Death?" Azlynn volunteers. "He's already wandering blindly in the forest, with no notion of where he's going. We might as well assume the worst."

"Azlynn..." I begin.

"No," she says firmly. "Let's go."
Lord Aaron took the news of Chad's departure better than I thought he would. Azlynn broke the news to him, and he decided to have a quiet service for the Shamen.

"Lady Cassie," Aaron says. "I ask that you and your guards not attend the funeral. Chad was a very powerful Shamen, and friend to everyone. The village will want someone to blame for his leave. Since the mission was to find missing O'khasian guards, the civilians might believe you and your guards were the cause of the loss. I don't want what little trust they invest in you to be gone because of the accident."

"Uh," I begin, unsure of how to feel. I swallow. "O-of course."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

I just dip my head, and exit the home, placing my teacup on the table.
I can see the village gathering for Chad's service. Some citizens are wearing all black, as if it's a funeral. The sun is falling below the horizon, giving way to night. My guards hang back, as I ordered them too. They are still patrolling, however, avoiding eye contact with the O'khasians, and keeping their heads low.

"Lady Cassie," I hear Matthew say from behind me.

"Yes?" I ask, unsure of how Matthew got in.

"In case you're wondering, I got in through the door. You left it unlocked, m'lady." (He tips his hat. You know who you are, reader. XD)

"Oh," I say, feeling foolish. "Sorry. Is there something you wanted me to hear?"

"N-no ma'am. I just... I'm not on patrol today. I just wanted to um, see the service from here. The guard house doesn't have a beautiful balcony like this." Matthew stands beside me, fixes his eyes on the service.

"I... oh. That's fine, whatever you want."

We sit in the awkward silence before Matthew inches a little closer to me. I try to ignore it—but I'm scared he's developing feelings for me. Yes, it does sound self-obsessed, but I don't want him to have feelings for me. I already have enough going on with Jasper, and I would rather not have drama with Matthew. Besides, I think it's against the rules for someone of his status to be with someone of my status.

"Matthew?" I ask, after pretend-realizing he got closer to me.

"Oh my Irene, I'm sorry, m'lady," Matthew replies, and scoots away from me.

"No, it's fine," I say.

"It's such a lovely view," he comments.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, it's great."

"You know, it's kind of funny."


"Everything we've endured. The bandits, the Nether. We make a pretty good team."

"Yeah, we do," I agree. I stare at my hands, my elbows resting on the oak fencing.

"And the funny thing is, I kind of think I'm falling in love with you, m'lady."

"Wha—" I begin, but I'm interrupted by something unexpected.

Something I'd rather not have happen.

Matthew's lips have landed on mine.

lol all deez cliffhangers hahaaaa! As for that reader mentioned... you know who you are, I promise! Also, sorry for the wait, I was just trying to get over my writer's block. It sucks, tbh.

Yato and Hiyori better be in love.


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