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Matthew's lips are still pressed against mine, his tongue dancing in my mouth. He tastes like... well, Matthew.

All I can think is




"I... uh... I—I'm so sorry, Lady Cassie!" Matthew says, his eyes pooling with regret once he breaks away. "Please forgive me, m'lady, I don't know what came over me."

I don't respond. My heart is beating a mile a minute.

Mother of Irene, my head guard has fallen in love with me.

I don't know what to think. I know this is far from legal—he could get executed if anyone found out he was in love with me—the person he was sworn to protect.

"I..." I begin, once I finally find the courage to speak. "Wow, that was unexpected."

"I feel awful, m'lady. That was a crime, and I'm prepared to receive my punishment. When shall the execution commence?" Matthew asks quietly, kneeling before me, his eyes fixed on the ground.

"Oh, Irene no!" I exclaim. "I'm not going to end your life, Matthew."

"But even after—"

"That doesn't matter," I say. "I'd only ever think to kill you if you killed innocent lives on purpose."

Matthew doesn't meet my gaze.

"And," I continue, "I know you would never do that." I cup his cheek with my hand, forcing his eyes to lock with mine. "Look. I heard what you said before you kissed me. You... you said you loved me." I pause, taking a breath. "I—I can't return those feelings. I'm so sorry."

Matthew touches my hand, which is still resting on his cheek. "I understand one-hundred percent."

I smile. "Good. I hope we can be friends, Matthew. And partners. We make an amazing team." I laugh. "Killing Shadow Knights and saving lives."

Matthew gives a weak smile. "You're right, m'lady." He stands up, keeping my hand in his. "We make a great team, Lady Cassie. Regardless if you love me or not, I will always protect you. Always."
It's afternoon. Matthew has gone out on patrol with some of my guards. It's a weirdly-timed patrol—almost directly after the main afternoon patrol. He probably needed an excuse to leave—the silence between us was too awkward to bear.

I sit on the same balcony where Matthew kissed me, watching the village go about their day without a care in the world. My head rests on my fist, my dark brown hair tossing around in the wind.

My memory flashes, and I see Jasper's kind eyes. His soft smile. His perfect hair. Telling me he cares about me. Saying I'm beautiful through the Vis Stone. Telling me he'd be broken if he lost me.

"Why," I murmur aloud, "did Matthew have to fall in love with me?! I don't even know how to feel right now."



Irene, why?

How will I tell Jasper?

The thought flies through my brain, as if hitting every nerve I have.

"Oh my Irene." I wipe my eyes, which are beginning to pool with tears. What would Jasper say to me if he saw me like this?

The Ro'meave Sister [MCD Fanfic] ✔︎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora