Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes and looked around trying to remember where I was. Suddenly it all came back to me the fighting the games what I'd done.

"Oh my god", I said remembering what I did to Oliver tonight. I had ruined any chance at fixing things I was a wreck. I unzipped my black leather jacket showing my white lace spaghetti strap top. I felt tears coming as I took my hair out and threw the elastic aside.

I was ruined nothing was going to happen to me anymore nothing good I'd lost everything. I ran blindly towards god knows where then curled up beside the guard rail and burst into tears.

This was some birthday surprise I had never seen it coming. I cried for a long time then got up and started to walk away. I had totally forgotten about my enemies I just wanted to fix things with my friends. Suddenly a van pulled up to the curb and someone grabbed me from behind.

"You broke the rules Samantha", he whispered.

"Go to hell", I snapped trying to get free.

"Tom can you...", but he didn't need to finish because the second guy covered my mouth with something and I blacked out. The last thing I saw was the stars glittering above me. Happy Birthday Stargazer!

I opened my eyes and saw that I was sitting in my car. “Shit”, I said dialing Sam’s number. I waited and I got her answering machine. “Damn it Sam why?” I said hanging up. I’d lost her for sure it was morning she could be dead by now. I stopped for a minute and sadness engulfed me completely. I felt tears running down my cheeks. “How could she do this?” I said punching the door and climbed out.

I punched the wall repeatedly and couldn’t stop crying, punching and yelling. “I hate you Sam”, I said angrily.

It was her fault she fooled me and now she was dead so she couldn’t ever be the Sam I’d loved again. All she was now was a corpse. I finally collapsed to the ground and sobbed for an hour. I finally got back into my car and tried to calm myself down. I couldn’t lose Sam not after all we’d been through. I needed her like I needed air. I loved Josie but my feelings for Sam were something different entirely. I punched the steering wheel a few times then turned on the car and drove home taking long deep breaths.

“Where have you been?” Josie said running over as I walked into the apartment.

“Don’t ask”, I said heading to my room.

“Where’s Sam?” Sage asked.

“Sam’s a body bag”, I said soberly.

“What?” Alex said running in followed by his brother.

“I can’t”, I said going into my room and grabbed the photo album and turned on my iPod. If I could never see the real Sam again then I’d see pictures of the old her. I opened up the album and realized this wasn’t my album it was Josie’s old one. I opened it and the first picture was of her thirteenth birthday party. There she was hanging over younger Josie’s shoulder, Sam a few years younger. I flipped through the pictures and she was in all of them. I heard our song turn on and I turned off the iPod and the album and went over to the window seat and looked up at the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2012 ⏰

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