Chapter 15

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"What's so funny you two", Oliver asked tiredly.

"The trees are waving at us dad", Sage giggled. He snorted and shook his head and then he went my gaze and he cracked a smile.

"Oh by the way we're in no hurry", I said suddenly.

"Why not?" he asked. I showed him in his head what I'd seen last night.

"Oh thank god", he said relieved.

"When we get to Houston we need to find a new place to stay", I suggested.

"Agreed let's stay at the Sandman", Oliver said.

"Is that the place with the pool and the mall right next door", Sage said excitedly.

"Yeah", I said nodding.

"Only girls would be thinking about shopping at a time like this", he sighed. Sage and I both stuck our tongues out childishly and he shook his head. We talked and laughed and kept it light for most of the day then suddenly we were in Texas and the tension rose.

"I'm going to duck down just to be safe", I suggested.

"Me too but I think I'm going to sleep", Sage yawned.

"I better stay awake so we don't get in a car accident", Oliver explained.

"Good idea", I laughed. When we got to Houston me and Sage ducked down and played tic tac toe while Oliver drove. We were both blowing bubbles with our gum and Oliver looked back at us every once and awhile and rolled his eyes. We got to the Sandman and Sage and I sat in the lobby while he checked us in. We went upstairs and Sage swiped the card and I set up in Sage's room since we were sharing and Oliver got his own room. That night I died my hair dark brown and put brown contacts in my eyes along with some rose perfume and some coverup for my mark. Sage switched so she looked older with blonde hair and baby blue eyes and Oliver stayed the same. I put on a pair of tight white skinny jeans and white one shoulder top with a gold sequin sweater on overtop and a gold sequins scarf and white gloves. I looked fancy and like a total snob which was what I was hoping for.

I dressed Sage up in an electric blue cocktail dress with a black silk scarf. Oliver was more casual with a royal blue silk dress shirt and some black jeans. We went out to the bar that night it was time to smoke out the wicky witch of Houston and I of course had a brilliant idea. Ever afters don't happen without a little friendly battle of wits after all. This is going to be one for the books...

We walked into the club each of us on one of his arms smiling coyly around at all the other woman in this club. They glared at us jealously and we shared a knowing look. I saw one of Josie's men and I blew him a kiss. We sat down in a booth and ordered some beer. "You miss are having a vodka spritzer that looks very much like Sprite", He said passing her a bottle with vodka written on it.

"I'm having beer", I announced.

"Thanks a lot you're a great influence", he said disapprovingly.

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