Chapter 12

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I missed old Josie and I would have done anytime to get her back but I knew I'd have to kill Oliver to get out and that was something I could never do. I sat in the tub for most of the day with the curtain shut. "Are you going to eat lunch?" Sage asked.


"No thanks", I said my head against the wall.


"Can I stay in here for awhile with you", she asked, "dad is busy saying nasty things in his room".


"I finished with that an hour ago, come on join me", I said opening the curtain. She climbed into the clawfoot bathtub and sat cross legged.


"Do you really think you could save her?" she asked suddenly.


"I did it before yeah I think I could do it", I said nodding.


"It's my fault isn't it", she said miserably.


"No it's not why would you think that", I said shocked and here I’d thought everyone blamed me did Oliver blame himself too or did he think it was my fault too. Oh who cares what he thinks.


"I got involved with that guy and he got mom because I didn't fight back I wasn't strong enough I was stupid and weak", she said a tear falling down her cheek.


"It's not your fault Sage everyone makes mistakes in fact I'm going to tell you something your mom and dad probably never told you", I said thoughtfully, "when you were conceived your dad and I were dating and your mom acted like me all week but when you were born I'd never seen her more happy she loved you because you were his and I did the moment I saw to in fact here's the bite mark from when you were born and here is the scratches from the birth". I showed her both and she actually laughed hugging then got up and went to calm her dad down. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and went back to my place of solace, the bathtub.


"Dad what does that mean are you speaking English", Sage asked.


"Oh Sage sorry hon I thought you were asleep", he said stopping.


"I was until-", she said awkwardly.


“Until you woke the neighborhood up dope", I said loudly.


"Ferme la bouche", he called.


"Tu es stupide", I called back.


"Could you guys speak English when to insult each other it's really confusing otherwise", Sage asked annoyed.


"Okay tell her to shut up and act her age", he said angrily.


"And remind him to keep the insults G rated I understand Italian, Spanish, French and Russian", I reminded him. I heard him mutter something about privacy in Russian and I said asshole in Italian. Sage sighed and I heard her go into her room and sit on the bed. He sighed and sat down on his bed giving up this round. That night when both of them had gone to sleep I grabbed my switchblade and decided I was going to pick the lock. I went over to the door and started to pick it when suddenly someone cleared their throat.

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