Chapter 16

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"That was weird", Sage said as we walked into the apartment.

"Scary thing is I know that guy from school he used to be a geek", I laughed.

"Both of you young ladies are going to bed because you're drunk and you have had too much sugar", Oliver said seriously.

"Party popper", we both coughed.

"Get some sleep", I told me as I closed the door. I changed into my red silk nightie before I past put in the window seat. I woke up with a major hangover so I rolled off the bed and onto the floor then got up and went and made myself some coffee while I took some water with an Advil.

"Got another?" Oliver asked sitting on the stool. I tossed him the bottle and he caught it easily. I drank my coffee wearing a white cashmere bathrobe from the bathroom with my hair up in a clip.

"I think Sage should stay home tonight two women two nights in a row looks suspicious do you want to stay here or go out", I asked leaning on the counter.

"Go out Sage is going to watch Gossip Girl we talked after you passed out but you can come if you want", he said sipping his coffee.

"Sure why not this time I'm having tequila", I said thoughtfully.

"Of course and I'm sticking with beer", Oliver said with a laugh.

"I can't decide if you're smart or crazy", I said carefully.

"I think he's smart listening to you is more fun than sitting around", Sage said skipping out.

"Agreed", I said raising my mug.

"Whatever", Oliver sighed.

"Lighten up dad I like it here the sun is nicer less blinding", Sage said sitting on a bar stool.

"Fine as long as you stay here tonight tomorrow night I'll take you out for dinner and Sam can watch a sappy romance the type that makes me cry", he said with a sigh.

"Yah", we both said. He rolled his eyes and shook his head something he only did when we were cheerful. We watched Revenge of the Sith and Oliver constantly kept piping up what an idiot Anakin was. When Padame died he actually cried we all did but he was crying noticeably.

"Aha caught", I said excitedly.

"Oh shut up", he said hitting me with a pillow. I tried to hit him back but I fell off the couch and then got up.

 "Oh it's on", I said then we all had a pillow fight. When I was with Sage and Oliver I felt five years old again it was a nice feeling. Once we were done we played cards and I taught them Cheat. Sage started watching Gossip Girl while I dyed my hair a copper red and curled it. I put silver eye contacts in and put on a silver chiffon dress with a black velvet coat and black gloves with a gray/black striped scarf.

"You look nice", Oliver said opening the car door for me.

"Merci monsieur", I smiled then winked. We got to the club and when we walk in everyone looked up. I was wearing an oakey perfume and Oliver was wearing a white dress shirt and some blue jeans.

"Tequila please a bottle", I said politely using a Russian accent.

"A beer please", Oliver said calmly.

"Madame he's here tonight with another girl", the man said as we listened in.

"ANOTHER, what does he think he's doing I swear if he doesn't come by the end of the week I'm coming there and throttling the bitch", she said nastily. I wrote down a message to Oliver then showed it to him.

She's a ray of sunshine isn't she on Friday we bring the crew in Sage is safest with you so she comes disguised oh and sorry for this. See ya outside!

I kicked him in the leg then got up taking my tequila with me. I walked out into the parking lot alone playing around with my hair. "Hey you what were you doing with Oliver Tanner", the guard asked.

"Is that who he was I wasn't looking for a name he certainly knows how to show a girl a good time though but he's quite the heartbreaker", I said spinning a curl through my fingers using my Russian accent.

"So I'm told are you a hooker?" he asked annoyed.

"Are you a cop?" I asked innocently eyebrows raised.

"Hey Vera we never finished our conversation", Oliver said casually.

"Oops sorry can you give me a ride home Oliver", I asked sincerely. The guard totally fell for it and as we got into the apartment we were both laughing our asses off.

"He thought you were a what?" he laughed.

"A hooker I swear he looked excited if I were regular me I would have broken his arm just for pleasure", I laughed.

"Well we did it good night princess", he said bowing.

"Good night prince", I said curtsying. I went into the bedroom and actually made it to the bed before I past out.

"Good morning", Sage yawned.

"Morning how was your night?" I yawned stretching out like a cat.

"Great I like Gossip Girl makes me appreciate our scheming all the more", she said confidently.

"Good okay so tonight you're going to have black elbow length hair straightened with curls at the ends and bright green eyes that sound okay with you I was thinking you could be twenty", I asked sitting cross-legged.

"Sounds fun can I wearing that red chiffon dress with the white lace scarf", she asked excitedly.

"Perfect now instead of wine you're going to have grape juice I talked to the server last night his name is Will but you call him Eddie and Oliver's going to have white wine", I said confidently.

"You guys are so good at this", she said shaking her head.

"Really thanks", I said cheerfully. We played Monopoly all day until Oliver threw the board aside giving up. Sage and I laughed then went and helped her get dressed. She looked beautiful in fact she looked like her mother in a good way. Oliver was wearing a shiny tux and I was wearing a black hoodie with a bunny on it, pink track pants and bunny slippers.

"No comment", Oliver said looking at my slippers.

"Good I like you better when you're quiet have fun you two and have her home by midnight", I scolded him.

"Whatever", they both said brushing me off. I sighed and shook my head then went and watched Bambi. I got in Sage's head and decided I was going to watch.

“I'll have the lobster please", Oliver said importantly.

"I'll have the sirloin steak thank you", Sage said with her British accent perfect. I saw one of Josie's men watching and I felt both of them put in their head phones as I put in mine and turned on the device.

"What do you mean another one at a fancy restaurant it's like he's doing it on purpose to annoy me", she growled. We all started laughing and I was laughing and crying because of Bambi's mom getting shot.

"Tomorrow is Friday and if he has a girl with him well she won't be a problem", she said smugly.

"Yes miss", the man said. Sue hung up and I breathed a sigh of relief and left Oliver and Sage to their father daughter time. I finished Bambi then I watched A Walk To Remember and Gone with the Wind then the others got home.






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