Chapter 11

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"DADDY", I heard Sage yell.

"SAGE, ARE YOU OKAY WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Oliver call.

"I'm in my room HELP", she yelled.

"Sage hold on come out from under the bed hon", he ordered. I heard movement in the next room and then I heard Oliver grab her. The scary part was the fire wasn't in her room it was in mine. I got off the bed and went over to the window.

"Sage did Sam leave you where is she?" Oliver asked.

"They took Aunt Ellen and Uncle Will I hid they put fire in Sam's room and lock door", she said quickly.

"Shit Sam are you in your room", he said worried.

"Where the hell do think I am Mexico", I yelled panicked as the flames got closer.

"Can you get to the door", he asked.

"No that's where the fire is", I called.

"Can you get out the window", he asked.

"No it's locked I can't break the lock", I said anxiously. Suddenly I fell back and I felt the fire burning my clothes and my skin. It hurt more than any of Josie's torture I could feel the flames coming closer and I backed up wishing for the millionth time that this apartment had a fire extinguisher. I heard the door break open and I heard jumping then strong arms go around me and lift me up.

"I'm okay get Sage I can walk the fire it got her get her", I said pushing away. I head butted the glass and it broke then I flipped the lock and opened the window.

"Is she okay?" I asked looking down at Sage who was burnt pretty bad but not as bad as me.

"She'll live let's go", he said dismissively.

"I can't make the jump take her and run I'll try and find another way out", I said looking down.

"I'm not leaving you here", he growled.

"I'm not letting anyone die because of me besides this is what Josie wants", I coughed.

"What?" he said shocked.

"She gave me three opinions join her, become a blood whore or die and I've made my decision good luck", I said touching his hand.

"Sam don't please just change there's another opinion", he said grabbing my arm.

"No there isn't I can't alive this way anymore if I die they go free the cycle stops", I said sadly.

"Exactly you have to die but I have an idea if you'll stay still and listen", he said seriously.

"I'm listening", I sighed.

"Disappear", he said sternly.

"For how long and where", I asked confused.

"I don't know I need to get Sage out of town and you need to get out of here", he said calmly. I thought it over for a second then nodded.

"I'll meet you downstairs and Ill try not to burn up", I said pulling away. He nodded and I grabbed a bag grabbed my wallet, a watch and some clothes avoiding the flames then jumped the flames in the doorway got clothes from Sage and Oliver's rooms and grabbed some blood and food then ran out the door leaving the apartment to burn. I took the stairs and got outside coughing and gagging.

"Get in", Oliver said pulling up in a car with Sage in the back seat. I got in and put the bag in the back and he drove away. I was pretty burnt up so all the healing I had gotten since the torture was useless. Oliver called the others tell them I was safe and so was Sage and he even called Luke grudgingly telling him I didn't burn up. We left town and I fell asleep sometime around five in the morning. I woke up lying on a hotel bed in an outdated hotel room.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked sitting up, “the 60’s”.

"Newport", a voice said. I looked over and saw Oliver leaning in his doorway and saw Sage asleep beside me. Being alone with Oliver wasn’t something I was particularly comfortable with but I’d have to suck it up for awhile.

"Was I asleep that long holy shit why here?" I rambled.

"Because Josie won't look for us here", he said sitting down on the chair.

"So when exactly are we going back?" I asked.

"When Josie's been turned back", he said simply.

"WHAT I'm supposed to do it I promised her you of all people should understand I mean to help or I'll go crazy", I said angrily. Scratch the sucking it up I was leaving as soon as possible!

"I'm not sending you on a suicide mission Sam", he said blocking the door.

"It's not suicide I know what I'm doing", I said trying to push him aside.

"Like last week when you tore off got in a car accident and oh yeah got kidnapped and almost killed", he said sternly. Ouch that stung I didn't like the fact that he was right Josie was a vampire and I was still human.

"You need to calm down and think rationally", he said calmly.

"I need to help though I can't just sit around I'm not the patient type I need to do something", I said impatiently.

"Sam please, just please calm down you aren't going anywhere I'm not going anywhere so just cool it and sit down", he said seriously.

"Fine let her get killed because if your brother finds her she's as good as dead you can explain to Sage why her mother died", I said angrily.

"Sam don't you dare", he said shaking his head.

"You don't want to do anything because you're a coward like your brother you can dish it out but you can't take it no wonder she swallowed the blood I'd rather join her than be stuck with you", I hissed.

"Sam stop", he warned.

"I HATE YOU, YOU RUINED EVERYTHING I WISH I WAS DEAD", I yelled hatefully. Suddenly he was in front of me and I was up against the wall. I used to love it when he got forceful weird how fast things change now I was just pissed off.

"Samantha I hate this too but if you're going to keep this up I'll gag you, you aren't going anywhere I'm not that fond you either so be careful or I'll tie you up and send you to Luke", he said putting an arm on either side of me.

"More proof that you're a coward", I said nastily. I knew I’d overstepped big time calling him a coward but I was mad. He slapped me and I slapped him back then ducked under his arm and went into the bathroom then slapped the door. I sat over against the wall and then the tears came. I couldn't believe what I'd said what he'd said and what I'd do. I couldn't believe I was stuck in an apartment with the man who had ripped my heart to pieces and Josie's little girl.






Remember MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora