Chapter 13

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"Well what am I supposed to do I'm not allowed to leave the apartment I can't make calls Sage can tale care of herself I have nothing to do", I said angrily.

"Too bad I can't protect you two when you off somewhere by yourself and you have a tendency to do whatever you want and a history of running away", he said temper rising.

"You don't need to protect me I can protect myself I did it for the first twenty six years I can do it now", I said defiantly.

"That was when we didn't have rogue vampires that want you dead", he reminded me.

"I handled myself fine while the twins were growing up you and your brother's old friends tried to kill me all the time and I'm still here to tell the tale", I argued.

"WHAT?" he said and I remember I hadn't told anyone and I closed my mouth.

"Sam if you had vampires chasing you why didn't you come home", he said shocked. I didn't answer I just turned around and left sitting down on the floor next to the bed. We didn't speak for the rest of the night I couldn't tell him the whole truth as much as it pained me I couldn't do it. No one knew the full truth because no one saw my wrists no one noticed my scar no one saw how hideous I was inside and out. I talked to Sage and ate but I didn't really know what to do with myself. I sent most of my time drawing constellations and watching the stars at night. It had been a week no word yet then Oliver's phone rang. We all three made a break for it but Sage tripped and Oliver stepped on my already injured foot.

"Oh nice thanks a lot", I said hopping around.

"Sorry", he said shrugging then answered the phone, "hello".

"Oliver she got the twins she wants to know about Sage what do you want me to tell her", Will said seriously.

"Tell her, her fire trick backfired is Ellen okay are you okay?" he asked worried.

"The fire trick backfired", he said to someone.

"What does that mean is she okay?" I heard Josie say.

"She's charred but alive", Oliver said soberly.

“Tell him to bring her back he's being ridiculous", she said.

"Ridiculous she almost burnt her daughter", I said under my breath as Sage hopped over limping slightly.

"I didn't mean to it was Samantha that should have been the only one in pain but she's dead now so", she said. I couldn't help myself I snorted and Sage did too and we both fell over laughing.

"What is that?" Will asked confused.

"TV shut up you two", he said casually. Sage and I eventually sobered up and sat on the bed.

"Give me the phone", Josie ordered, "Oliver you have two days to get back with Sage or your friends get the hurt I tortured one of them each day you're gone extra by the end of the week they are dead got it", she said seriously.

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