twenty (fr yo)

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Joey's POV

"Get the fuck away from me. I thought you were in fucking jail? Both of" I trail off, my anger leaving me speechless.

"Oh, honey. You've underestimated our abilities. We have our ways." Cat whispers, her heels clicking against the floor obnoxiously as she inches closer towards me. "Sawyer didn't want to join. He's too soft." she scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"Why here? Out of all places? You guys are going to fucking burn in hell for this." I scream, struggling in the ropes that have restricted my movement.

Christian walks over to me, his fingers tracing along my body. My skin crawls at the feeling.

"Everything is your fault. You know that, right?" Christian voices deviously. "Your poor, innocent, sweet Danny boy would be fine if it wasn't for you. He'd be living a perfectly happy, drama free life. But you," he gets in my face, pinning his hands on either side of my head, "you fucking ruined his life."

I scream in his face, attempting to pull out of the restraints. "You don't know shit, you fucking asshole!"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Cat, guard the door. We wouldn't want anyone interfering."

She nods, waving at me before opening the door and standing outside.

"It's party time."


Daniel's POV

I've never driven as fast in my life as I currently did. I know exactly where Joey was, but why? What are they going to do to him? I shake my head and press down harder on the pedal, hoping not to get a speeding ticket.

Thankfully, my destination isn't too far away, so I am currently only ten minutes from it.

As I'm driving, I suddenly hear sirens behind me. Looking in my rear-view mirror, I see red and blue flashing lights behind me.

"Perfect." I mutter, punching my steering wheel and pulling over. "Just perfect."

(a/n: hope everyone is having a good holiday season❤)

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