Chapter 21

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(Y/F/N) means your full name

     Today is the day we go back home. Aaron has never flown before but I'm sure he'll be fine. You leaned over Aaron and saw him awake starring at the ceiling. "Morning R" You said sleepily.
"What're we talking about?" Came Dan's muffled voice from his pillow.
"Talking." said Aaron.
    "Well we better get up our plane leaves in and hour." Dan stated the obvious. You got up out of bed then helped Aaron get up. More like drag him out of bed, but what's the difference. He got up and got dressed in the bathroom. You followed and then Dan.
     Once all of us were dressed you walked across the hall to get Phil. You went to knock on the door just as Phil opened it. "Oh my gosh Phil! Don't do that!" You basically screamed out of fear.
     "Sorry" Phil said. You opened the door wider so he could get his bag out of the door. Then went to make sure he had everything because Phil always left something. Nope. He's got everything.
You walked back over and saw Aaron once again on Phil's back and Dan starting to bring all the bags to the door. Once you, dan and Phil got all the bags downstairs and loaded in a taxi you all climbed in and headed off to the airport.
The plane ride went by fast because you were asleep on dans shoulder and Aaron was out too. Dan and Phil doing the usual, doing something on their phones and editing videos. Once the plane landed you got off the plane and dan grabbed your hand quickly followed by Aaron doing the same. He seemed nervous and he had reason to.
"Let's get home." You heard Phil mumble to dan. Which caused dan to nod in agreement.
Today was two years. You and Dan had been together for two years. It's crazy how much time flies and you've loved every minute of it.
When we got back to their flat and got all of the bags into their proper rooms, dan decided to order dinner. Dinner had arrived and we all sat in the living room to watch some Netflix when dan started acting weird.
He stood up and before you knew it he was down on one knee and box in his hand. "(Y/F/N) will you marry me?"

This is it. This is the final chapter....or is it? Eventually I MIGHT do a sequel. I don't know yet. This is the first book and if I do a second one will be about the same length. I know I skipped around and the story wasn't very good, but this is my first story sooooooo.......yeah. Thanks for reading this I had fun writing it and I'm sure I'll have just as much fun writing the second book if I choose to. I may not. I don't know yet. Thanks again. Comment. Vote. And follow! Thanks bye :)

No matter how far apart (Dan Howell x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin