Chapter 19

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(Y/M/N)- your middle name
(Y/L/N)- you last name
(Y/N)- your name

You woke up the next morning and saw Dan next to you. He was so peaceful when he was asleep. His curly hobbit hair laid ever so neatly across his eyes. "Adorable" You whisper. You leaned down and kissed his forehead, moving his hobbit hair out of his eyes.
You crawled out of bed not forgetting to grab your phone. You looked at the time and saw that today was the 14th of July. Court day. Today was the day when you would try to get custody of Aaron.
     You were so dreading this day, but very excited as well. Dreading it because you were afraid that Aaron wouldn't be able to stay with you. Dan and Phil had reassured you that everything would be okay and he could stay with them and you in London, but something felt off.
You wake Dan up and go across the hall to get Phil up as well. After breakfast and getting changed into nicer cloths than usual, you head downstairs to call a cab with the guys.
"Where to?" Asked the cab driver.
"Court house." You said bashfully. There was only one court house that was close enough to use so the driver picked up on what you meant.
27 minutes later you were standing in front of a judge. Saying your case as to why you should be able to adopt Aaron. Dan and Phil spoke too about you. So did Aaron.
"She's the best big sister ever. I don't want to leave her again. She can be like a mom. I know it. I know she can. So please, please let me stay with her." Aaron said doing puppy dog eyes to the judge who smiled.
After what felt like forever of talking and decisions the judge made his final statement. "Aaron Michael (Y/L/N) is now in custody of (Y/N) (Y/M/N) ( Y/L/N)". A smile spread across your face and tears trailed down your face.
Aaron ran up to you and gave you the biggest hug ever which you returned gladly. Dan and Phil had come over during the hug and joined making dan uncomfortable in yet another group hug.
Aaron still had to stay in the hospital for 2 days to insure that he was stable before flying home.
He finally gets to leave this place. Just like he was intended to before. You've never been so happy.
"You excited to come stay across the hall from the actual Dan and Phil!" You said to Aaron.
"Well....." said Dan. Dan and you have been together for almost 6 months now. But you had no idea what he meant.
"Well what?" You asked confused.
"Maybe he wouldn't have to stay across the hall....." Dan trailed off again.
"Wait are you doing what I think your doing?" Phil busted into the conversation despite being here the entire time. Dan playfully punched Phil in the arm and nodded.
"(Y/N) since you basically already live with Phil and I would you like to make it official? Like you and Aaron could live with us?" Dan's face went from white to pink.
"I would love to if it's okay with Aaron!" You said glancing down at him.
Aaron ran up and hugged dan and Phil. "I'll take that as a yes R?" You asked. Receiving weird looks from both dan and Phil.
"R?" They asked in unison.
"It's his nickname. What I call him. No one else does." You said smiling then quickly kissing dan's lips. Both Aaron and Phil stuck there tongues out like they were going to throw up.
"Well I like it. Can I call you R?" Dan asked Aaron. You found it adorable that he asked permission.
"Of course! Gosh my two faaavorite you tubers are calling me nicknames and now I get to live with them!" Aaron said exaggerating the "a" in favorite. Dan lipped "he's adorable" to you. You smiled and nodded.
"We can help you move your stuff when we get back to London. Did you even unpack anything?" Phil asked laughing.
"Well the necessities not much though. A lots still in boxes." You said laughing because it's true.
"Wow you really have basically been living with us!" Phil stated.
"Dan. Dan. Dan. Phil. Phil. Phil." Aaron said pulling on their shirts.
"Yes" they said yet again in unison.
"Can I be in a video with you?" Aaron asked eagerly.
"That's not up to us. It's up to her." Phil said pointing at you. Dan nodded in agreement.
"I don't care just nothing inappropriate and you have to cooperate" You said and Aaron nodded over exaggerating it.
You all started to walk out when an adult guy walked in and said, "he's not yours!!" Pointing right at Aaron.

I'm so so so sorry for slacking. I feel so bad but it seems like his story was taking a down fall and I still don't really know what to do with it. If you have any suggestions comment me please! Anyways thanks for reading and waiting and thanks for 600+ views. Y'all are amazing. Thanks again. Comment vote follow. Bye!;)

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